Optimum Slot and Pole Design for Vibration Reduction in Permanent Magnet Synchronous MotorsAuthor (from another institution)
Research Group
Accionamientos aplicados a la tracción y a la generación de energía eléctricaAcústica y vibraciones
Other institutions
Orona EICVersion
Published version
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPIAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.3390/app11114849Published at
Applied Sciences Vol. 11. N. 11. N. artículo 4849, 2021Publisher
electrical machines
electromagnetic forces ... [+]
electromagnetic forces ... [+]
electrical machines
electromagnetic forces
slot number
pole number [-]
electromagnetic forces
slot number
pole number [-]
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) are increasingly being used and are required to satisfy noise and vibration specifications. Thus, it is necessary to develop design guidelines for electric ... [+]
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) are increasingly being used and are required to satisfy noise and vibration specifications. Thus, it is necessary to develop design guidelines for electric motors that consider vibration response as a key output of the design. This work shows the influence of the main design parameters regarding PMSMs: the number of slots and the number of poles. First, the influence of the number of slots in the natural frequencies is analysed by Finite Element calculations, which are experimentally verified. Then, the analytical calculation of the vibration response is explained. This is applied for several combinations of the number of slots and the number of poles, and the results are compared. Considering the analytical development, a procedure to choose the most adequate combination of the number of slots and poles is proposed. The analytical predictions are validated according to experimental measurements in two machines. [-]
Gobierno Vascoxmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-projectID
GV/Programa de apoyo a la I+D Empresarial Hazitek 2018/ZL-2018-00503/CAPV/Máquinas eléctricas con comportamiento vibro-acústico eficiente para el sector de la elevación/MECOVACollections
- Articles - Engineering [700]
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