A Multi Camera and Multi Laser Calibration Method for 3D Reconstruction of Revolution PartsOtras instituciones
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© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPIAcceso
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https://doi.org/10.3390/s21030765Publicado en
Sensors Vol. 21. N. 3. N. artículo 765, 2021Editor
MDPIPalabras clave
optical sensorslaser sensor
3D reconstruction
This paper describes a method for calibrating multi camera and multi laser 3D triangulation systems, particularly for those using Scheimpflug adapters. Under this configuration, the focus plane of the ... [+]
This paper describes a method for calibrating multi camera and multi laser 3D triangulation systems, particularly for those using Scheimpflug adapters. Under this configuration, the focus plane of the camera is located at the laser plane, making it difficult to use traditional calibration methods, such as chessboard pattern-based strategies. Our method uses a conical calibration object whose intersections with the laser planes generate stepped line patterns that can be used to calculate the camera-laser homographies. The calibration object has been designed to calibrate scanners for revolving surfaces, but it can be easily extended to linear setups. The experiments carried out show that the proposed system has a precision of 0.1 mm. [-]
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