Artikuluak-Ingeniaritza: Azken bidalketak
691-tik 101-120 emaitza erakusten
Optimización de parámetros de CNC de acuerdo a criterios de productividad usando un modelo de máquina basado en redes neuronales
(Dyna Publishing, 2020)Every machine-tool user wants to maximize the productivity of their machines looking for balance between speed, precision and lifetime of mechanical components. Nevertheless, because CNCs have wide-ranging use, their correct ... -
Development of a novel method to characterize mean surface peak curvature as a signature of tribological performance of dental implant surfaces
(IOP Publishing, 2020)The integrity of dental implant surfaces might be compromised during surgical insertion. Wear and topographical modifications can occur during implant insertion, which can potentially have clinical implications. Accordingly, ... -
Links between circular economy and climate change mitigation in the built environment
(Elsevier, 2020)The construction sector represents one of the most significant sources of waste generation in the European Union (EU), with nearly one billion tonnes of construction and demolition waste annually. This sector also contributes ... -
An analytical model of through-thickness photopolymerisation of composites: Ultraviolet light transmission and curing kinetics
(Elsevier, 2020)In this paper, a kinetic model able to predict the evolution of the through-thickness degree of cure of ultraviolet (UV) cured composites has been developed and validated. The kinetic model, which is based on the autocatalytic ... -
Impact of long-term resource variations on wave energy Farms: The Icelandic case
(Elsevier, 2020)Four decades (between 1979 and 2018) of the wave energy resource around Iceland are analysed in the present paper via the ERA5 reanalysis, the newest reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. ... -
Aproximación multimétodo para medir el impacto de los factores de diseño en la apropiación de un software de inteligencia competitiva
(Dyna, 2020)La industria 4.0 y una vida laboral en continua transmutación, plantean preguntas acerca de cuáles serán las competencias que requerirán las personas para la correcta apropiación tecnológica y la mejora del desempeño. Este ... -
Novel email spam detection method using sentiment analysis and personality recognition
(Oxford Academic, 2020)Unsolicited email campaigns remain as one of the biggest threats affecting millions of users per day. During the past years several techniques to detect unsolicited emails have been developed. This work provides means to ... -
HRM systems and employee affective commitment: the role of employee gender
(Emerald, 2020)Purpose Despite decades of studies on high-involvement human resource management (HRM) systems, questions remain of whether high-involvement HRM systems can increase the commitment of women. This study aims to contribute ... -
Web Augmentation: A systematic mapping study
(Elsevier, 2024)The potential of Web Augmentation lies in the fact that all users need to adapt the content, style, or behavior of the web pages they visit. This is because every human being has different desires and needs, yet everyone ... -
Data-efficient reinforcement learning for variable impedance control
(IEEE, 2024)One of the most crucial steps toward achieving human-like manipulation skills in robots is to incorporate compliance into the robot controller. Compliance not only makes the robot’s behaviour safe but also makes it more ... -
Fusion dynamical systems with machine learning in imitation learning: A comprehensive overview
(Elsevier, 2024)Imitation Learning (IL), also referred to as Learning from Demonstration (LfD), holds significant promise for capturing expert motor skills through efficient imitation, facilitating adept navigation of complex scenarios. ... -
End-over-end (EoE) rotation of toroidal cans: An experimentally validated mathematical modelling study
(Elsevier, 2024)Toroidal cans have been presented recently to improve the canning process efficiency, and previous studies focused on static and axial rotational processes. End-over-End (EoE) rotation is a significant agitation approach ... -
An automatic thermo-mechanical testing apparatus for metal forming applications
(Elsevier, 2023)Dynamic testing of materials is necessary to model high-speed forming processes (e.g. hammer forging, blanking, forming, etc.) and crash/impact behaviour of structures, amongst others. The most common machines to perform ... -
PLC orchestration automation to enhance human-machine integration in adaptive manufacturing systems
(Elsevier, 2023)Current approaches to manufacturing must evolve to respond to increasing demands for short product life cycles and customised products. Adaptive manufacturing systems integrate advanced technologies, automation, and ... -
On the Definition of a Comprehensive Technology-Informed Accessibility Metric for Offshore Renewable Energy Site Selection
(MDPI, 2023)Despite the important role of offshore renewable energies (OREs) in the energy transition, the economical viability is still unclear. Therefore, an appropriate site selection is crucial. Besides the energy potential, the ... -
The Measurement of Soret and Thermodiffusion Coefficients in Binary and Ternary Liquid Mixtures
(Springer Nature, 2023)This review provides an overview of the major, currently used techniques for investigating the Soret effect and measuring thermodiffusion and Soret coefficients, and in most cases also isothermal Fickian diffusion coefficients, ... -
Sensitivity Analysis of Near Solidus Forming (NSF) Process with Digital Twin Using Taguchi Approach
(Springer Nature, 2024)Forging at near solidus material state takes advantage of the high ductility of the material at the semi solid or soft-solid state while keeping most of the mechanical properties of a forged part. The technology is at ... -
Diffusion of hydrocarbons diluted in supercritical carbon dioxide
(Springer Nature, 2023)Mutual diffusion of six hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, isobutane, benzene, toluene or naphthalene) diluted in supercritical carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) is studied by molecular dynamics simulation near the Widom line, i.e., in ... -
Three-dimensional effects during thermocapillary-driven melting of PCMs in cuboidal containers in microgravity
(Elsevier, 2024)The melting of a phase change material (PCM) in a cuboidal domain under microgravity conditions is investigated numerically. The upper surface of the PCM is free (in contact with air, for example) and variations in its ... -
Non-invasive Thermohydrodynamic Approach for Fast Cell Manipulation at the Microscale
(Springer, 2024)Thermal gradients have emerged as a promising technique for manipulating and sorting biological material at the microscale, holding considerable potential in lab-on-a-chip technology. Herein, we propose a non-invasive ...