Zerrendatu Artikuluak-Ingeniaritza honen arabera: ikerketa taldea "Sistemas electrónicos de potencia aplicados al control de la energía eléctrica"
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Advanced direct extrusion process with real-time controllable extrusion parameters for microstructure optimization of magnesium alloys
(Springer, 2023)The extrusion speed and deformation temperature are important factors affecting the microstructure development during the deformation. Microstructure development plays a crucial role in the performance of the mechanical ... -
Analysis and Design Guidelines for Current Control Loops of Grid-Connected Converters Based on Mathematical Models
(MDPI AG, 2020)Having a method for analyzing and designing regulators of controls that contain many current loops such as active filters is not a trivial task. There can be many parameters of regulators and filters that must be carefully ... -
Analytical Modeling Approach to Study Harmonic Mitigation in AC Grids with Active Impedance at Selective Frequencies
(MDPI AG, 2018)This paper presents an analytical model, oriented to study harmonic mitigation aspects in AC grids. As it is well known, the presence of non-desired harmonics in AC grids can be palliated in several manners. However, in ... -
Comparative small-signal evaluation of advanced grid-forming control techniques
(Elsevier B.V., 2022)This paper presents the small-signal modelling and analysis of the most recent grid-forming control techniques, namely the matching control (MC) and the dispatchable virtual oscillator (dVOC). These are compared to more ... -
The composite improved generalized steinmetz equation (ciGSE): an accurate model combining the composite waveform hypothesis with classical approaches
(IEEE, 2024)Predicting core losses is a difficult task for designing magnetic components. Under triangular current waveforms the classical approaches work with duty cycles close to 0.5 but are inaccurate for high and low duty cycles. ... -
Current References Limitation Method Considering Voltage and Current Maximums for STATCOMs Providing Simultaneously Reactive Power and Current Harmonics
(IEEE, 2022)This article focuses the analysis on a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) that operates simultaneously providing reactive power and several current harmonics of different frequencies (active power filter or active ... -
DC-Link Neutral Point Control for 3L-NPC Converters Utilizing Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM
(IEEE, 2021)Selective harmonic elimination–pulsewidth modulation (SHE–PWM) is a modulation technique widely used to improve the efficiency and harmonic content in medium-voltage high-power converters. Among these converters, the ... -
DC-link Voltage Balancing Strategy based on SVM and Reactive Power Exchange for a 5L-MPC Back-to-Back Converter for Medium Voltage Drives
(IEEE, 2016)The reduced capability of multilevel converters with more than one intermediate node to balance the dc-link capacitors voltage, as well as the lack of standard modulation methods to improve their balancing performance, ... -
Design of a Solid-State Circuit Breaker for a DC Grid-Based Vessel Power System
(MDPI, 2019)Electric propulsion and integrated hybrid power systems can improve the energy efficiency and fuel consumption of different kinds of vessels. If the vessel power system is based on DC grid distribution, some benefits ... -
Design Space Analysis of the Dual-Active-Bridge Converter for More Electric Aircraft
(MDPI, 2022)In the literature, different DC/DC power electronic converters (PECs) have been found to interconnect high-voltage DC and low-voltage DC grids in the electric power distribution networks of aircraft. In this scenario, the ... -
Development and Comparison of Rule- and Machine Learning-Based EMS for HESS Providing Grid Services
(IEEE, 2024)In this paper, a smart machine-learning-based energy management system (MLBEMS) is developed for a hybrid energy storage system (HESS). This HBESS consists of batteries with high-energy (HE) and high-power (HP) characteristics, ... -
Droop control operation strategy for advanced DC converter-based electrical railway power supply systems for high-speed lines
(Elsevier Ltd., 2022)Advanced DC converter-based electrical railway power supply systems are very promising power supply configurations for the electrification of high-speed lines. Their full controllable converter-based traction substations ... -
Dual Inertia-Emulation Control for Interlinking Converters in Grid-Tying Applications
(IEEE, 2021)Electric grids are undergoing several changes, mostly driven by the replacement of classical highly-inertial generators by converter-interfaced generation and storage systems. This entails the reduction of inherent inertia ... -
Electric Technology in Wind Turbines from a Dialectic Perspective
(Philosophy Documentation Center, 2019)Wind turbines have been used by many groups of humans for many centu-ries. Wind turbines have allowed groups of humans to perform many different tasks in the past (grinding grain, pumping water, etc.). However, ... -
Electric Vehicle Inverter Electro-Thermal Models Oriented to Simulation Speed and Accuracy Multi-Objective Targets
(MDPI AG, 2019)With the increasing demand for electric vehicles, the requirements of the market are changing ever faster. Therefore, there is a need to improve the electric car’s design time, where simulations could be an appropriate ... -
Equivalence of primary control strategies for AC and DC microgrids
(MDPI, 2017)Microgrid frequency and voltage regulation is a challenging task, as classical generators with rotational inertia are usually replaced by converter-interfaced systems that inherently do not provide any inertial response. ... -
Estimation of Semiconductor Power Losses Through Automatic Thermal Modeling
(IEEE, 2024)Achieving the optimal design of power converters requires a deep understanding of the system's dissipation elements to meet the desired performance and safety standards. Once the power converter is designed, it is of key ... -
Evolution of classical 1-D based models and improved approach for the characterization of litz wire losses
(IEEE, 2024)Prediction of Litz wire losses is a challenging endeavor in the design of high-frequency transformers. Although many analytical approaches of varying complexity can be found in the literature, classical 1-D-based models ... -
Experimental characterization of the Ayanz vertical axis windmill in mini wind applications and contributions in the simplification of the associated electronics
(Dyna, 2023)Within the current energy revolution, wind energy is playing an increasing role. However, small-scale generation technologies, such as mini-wind turbines, are less developed. In this paper, firstly, the feasibility of the ... -
Experimental comparative study between MPPT, hybrid P&O and fuzzy control for a small wind turbine application
(Federacion de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de Espana, 2021)This study focuses on a comparison between different maximum power extraction controls for a small wind turbine application. In this case, a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) coupled to a permanent magnet synchronous ...