Listar Artikuluak-Ingeniaritza por grupo de investigación "Mecanizado de alto rendimiento"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 78
Adiabatic self-heating determination for Ti6Al4V at different temperatures
(Elsevier, 2023)Nowadays, numerical models are one of the most widely used techniques to predict material performance subjected to different manufacturing processes. However, to obtain accurate predictions, these models require reliable ... -
An optimization methodology for material databases to improve cutting force predictions when milling martensitic stainless steel JETHETE-M152
(Elsevier Ltd., 2018)A material database for JETHETE-M152 was developed applying a novel methodology for improving the precision of cutting forces. This approach defines a variable specific edge force depending on the feed rate and cutting ... -
An analytical approach to calculate stress concentration factors of machined surfaces
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021)Machining operations affect the properties of the final surface layer, and these can impact on its functional per- formance, particularly on fatigue behaviour. Among the properties of the machined surface, surface topography ... -
Broaching Digital Twin to Predict Forces, Local Overloads, and Surface Topography Irregularities
(MDPI, 2024)Broaching is a key manufacturing process that directly influences the surface integrity of critical components, impacting their functional performance in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive, and energy. Such components ... -
Broaching: Cutting tools and machine tools for manufacturing high quality features in components
(Elsevier Ltd., 2020)Broaching is a unique machining process with high accuracy and surface quality, which is employed in massand batch production for the manufacture of components with highly complex geometries. It involves the use of ... -
The capacity of statistical features extracted from multiple signals to predict tool wear in the drilling process
(Springer Verlag, 2019)Industrial processes are being developed under a new scenario based on the digitalisation of manufacturing processes.Through this, it is intended to improve the management of resources, decision-making, ... -
The contribution of microstructure and friction in broaching Ferrite–Pearlite steels
(Elsevier Ltd., 2020)Ferrite-Pearlite (FP) steels are used in many automotive components. However, their machinability in low cutting speed processes appears to be highly dependent on their metallurgical state. An experimental approach combining ... -
Correcting distortions of thin-walled machined parts by machine hammer peening
(Elsevier, 2023)Thin-walled aerostructural components frequently get distorted after the machining process. Reworking to correct distortions or eventually rejecting parts significantly increases the cost. This paper proposes a new approach ... -
Crystal-plasticity-finite-element modeling of the dynamic response of a directionally solidified nickel-based superalloy
(2020)The flow stress behaviour of a directionally solidified nickel-base superalloy,MAR-M247, is presented through the combination of experiments and crystal-plasticity simulations.The experimental campaign ... -
Determination of emissivity and temperature of tool rake face when cutting AISI 4140
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)A method for measuring tool temperature in the tool/chip contact zone of the rake face of a tool during dry orthogonal cutting using thermography is presented. This method used a new calibration method that combined with ... -
Determining tool/chip temperatures from thermography measurements in metal cutting
(Elsevier, 2018)Temperature measurement in metal cutting is of central importance as tool wear and surface integrity have been demonstrated to be temperature dependent. In this context, infrared thermography is presented as a reliable ... -
Effect of cutting speed on the surface integrity of face milled 7050-T7451 aluminium workpieces
(Elsevier Ltd., 2018)The guarantee of surface integrity has become a primary objective for researchers when analysing the reliability of machined aircraft aluminium alloy structural parts in high-speed machining. This work studies the effect ... -
Effect of material extrusion method on the microstructure and mechanical properties of copper parts
(2024)In the present study, three extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies were considered: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), Pellet Extrusion Process (PEP) and Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing (ADAM). In ... -
Effect of Post-Processing Treatment on Fatigue Performance of Ti6Al4V Alloy Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
(MDPI, 2023)Fatigue properties of parts are of particular concern for safety-critical structures. It is well-known that discontinuities in shape or non-uniformities in materials are frequently a potential nucleus of fatigue failure. ... -
Effect of surface integrity generated by machining on isothermal low cycle fatigue performance of Inconel 718
(Elsevier Ltd., 2022)Critical aero-engine components such as turbine discs must withstand severe cyclic stresses, which can eventually lead to low cycle fatigue (LCF) failures. These components are made of difficult-to-cut alloys and machining ... -
Effect of Tool Geometry and LCO2 Cooling on Cutting Forces and Delamination when Drilling CFRP Composites Using PCD Tools
(Elsevier, 2022)Lightweight materials like Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) present certain challenges, mainly regarding the resultant surface integrity of the holes. Different techniques such as optimized tool geometries, machining ... -
Engineered design of cutting tool material, geometry, and coating for optimal performance and customized applications: A review
(Elsevier, 2024)Cutting tool materials are the backbone of machining and play a vital role in the manufacturing industry. Innovation in cutting tools is important for customized and demanding applications. This state-of-the-art review is ... -
Evolution of residual stresses induced by machining in a Nickel based alloy under static loading at room temperature
(Elsevier, 2014)Tensile residual stresses are very often generated on the surface when machining nickel alloys. In order to determine their influence on the final mechanical behaviour of the component residual stress stability should be ... -
Experimental and FEM analysis of surface integrity when broaching Ti64
(Elsevier, 2018)The performance of aeronautic critical components is strongly dependent on its fatigue behavior, which is directly linked to their surface integrity condition. Broaching operation is a machining operation extensively used ... -
Experimental evaluation and surface integrity analysis of cryogenic coolants approaches in the cylindrical plunge grinding
(Nature Publishing Group, 2021)Replacement of pollutant fuids with eco-friendly strategies in machining operations signifcantly contributes to protecting the environment, diminishing global warming, and ensuring a healthier workplace for employees. This ...