Listar Artikuluak-Ingeniaritza por autor "00e37e91ca93ab76ad936d3f160f9c20"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 20
Analysis of One-Way and Two-Way FSI Approaches to Characterise the Flow Regime and the Mechanical Behaviour during Closing Manoeuvring Operation of a Butterfly Valve
Ezkurra, Mikel; Esnaola, Jon Ander; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Lertxundi, Unai; Etxeberria, Unai (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2018)Butterfly valves are widely used industrial piping components as on-off and flow controlling devices. The main challenge in the design process of this type of valves is the correct dimensioning to ensure ... -
Assessing the statistical validity of momentum-deficit-based measurements in turbulent configurations
Zarketa-Astigarraga, Ander; Martin-Mayor, Alain; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Penalba, Markel (Elsevier Ltd., 2021)An application-agnostic procedure is outlined for checking the validity of momentum-deficit-based drag measurements performed under different turbulent conditions in a wind tunnel. The approach defines a two-step methodology: ... -
Benchmarking of spectral methods for fatigue assessment of mooring systems and dynamic cables in offshore renewable energy technologies
Martinez-Puente, Eguzkiñe; Zarketa-Astigarraga, Ander; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Zabala, Alaitz; Esnaola, Jon Ander; Llavori, Inigo; Penalba, Markel (Elsevier, 2024)Fatigue life estimation methods based on time-domain and rainflow counting techniques are widely recognised and accepted for their reliability. However, applying them in scenarios involving random loads with multiple ... -
Breakage risk analysis during the glass tempering process based on fluid-structure interaction approach
Iglesias, Asier; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Llavori, Inigo; Esnaola, Jon Ander (Springer Nature, 2024)In recent decades, there has been a perceptible transformation in how glass is perceived, evolving from being used for its aesthetic appeal to being acknowledged for its structural capabilities. Structural glass components ... -
Contact angle measurement for LiBr aqueous solutions on different surface materials used in absorption systems
Fernandez de Arroiabe, Peru; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir (Elsevier Ltd., 2018)Wetting surface is a very important issue for the design of absorption applications and heat exchangers. The contact angle is deemed essential in wettability studies; However, LiBr aqueous solution contact angle studies ... -
Effect of liner thermal properties and liner pre-cooling on the thermal management of fast-filling of hydrogen tanks
Blanco-Aguilera, Ricardo; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Berasategi Arostegi, Joanes; Penalba, Markel; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir; Shevtsova, Valentina (Elsevier, 2024)In transportation applications, filling high pressurised hydrogen tanks within a few minutes implies a fast and large temperature increase that can compromise the structural integrity of the storage system and the safety ... -
The effect of small perturbation on dynamics of absorptive LiBr–water solution
Fernandez de Arroiabe, Peru; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir; Shevtsova, Valentina (AIP Publishing, 2024)In a binary solution of lithium bromide–water, even a small disturbance in the initial homogeneous mass fraction at the absorbing interface has profound effects on the entire system dynamics. This perturbation of absorption ... -
Evaluación probabilística del vidrio templado basada en simulación multifísica avanzada de proceso y desempeño
Iglesias, Asier; Llavori, Inigo; Torca, Ireneo; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Esnaola, Jon Ander (Sociedad Española de Integridad Estructural - Grupo Español de Fractura SEIE-GEF, 2023)El vidrio es ampliamente utilizado en aplicaciones estructurales, estando presente en sectores como el sector de la automoción o el sector de la construcción. El comportamiento estructural del vidrio depende principalmente ... -
Experimental assessment of scale-effects on the aerodynamic characterization of a transitionally-operating airfoil working under clean flow conditions
Zarketa-Astigarraga, Ander; Penalba, Markel; Martin-Mayor, Alain; Martinez Agirre, Manex (Elsevier, 2022)Wind tunnel tests are carried out upon a NACA0021 airfoil subjected to transitional Reynolds numbers. Transitionally-operating airfoils show a high sensitivity to external conditions and pose relevant measurement issues ... -
Experimental uncertainty decompositions of aerodynamic coefficients affected by operative condition variations
Zarketa-Astigarraga, Ander; Martin-Mayor, Alain; Martinez Agirre, Manex (Elsevier Ltd., 2020)A twofold analysis is performed on an experimental set-up comprising a low-Reynolds wind tunnel, with the aim of quantifying the effect of measurand uncertainties and operative condition variations in the lift and drag ... -
A holistic optimization tool for the design of power take-off systems in realistic wave climates: The Wells turbine case
Zarketa-Astigarraga, Ander; Martin-Mayor, Alain; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Penalba, Markel (Elsevier, 2023)The growing demand of energy coupled with the worldwide commitments in favor of renewable technologies turns marine renewable sources especially attractive, including wave energy. In particular, the oscillating water column ... -
Impact of turbulence and blade surface degradation on the annual energy production of small-scale wind turbines
Zarketa-Astigarraga, Ander; Penalba, Markel; Martin-Mayor, Alain; Martinez Agirre, Manex (Wiley, 2023)Small-scale horizontal axis wind-turbines (SHAWTs) are acquiring relevance withinthe regulatory policies of the wind sector aiming at net-zero emissions, while reduc-ing visual and environmental impact by means of distributed ... -
Metodología para contemplar tensiones residuales en componentes de acero tratados térmicamente por temple y revenido
Telleria, Xuban; Cortabitarte Laucirica, Gurutz; Iglesias, Asier; Esnaola, Jon Ander; Llavori, Inigo; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Ugarte, Done; Anglada, E.; Arribas, M.; Gutierrez, T. (Sociedad Española de Integridad Estructural - Grupo Español de Fractura SEIE-GEF, 2023)Steel is currently used in various sectors as a structural material. This type of steel is subjected to heat treatments, mainly quenching and annealing, with the aim of modifying its microstructure and increasing its ... -
A novel direct liquid cooling strategy for electric vehicles focused on pouch type battery cells
Fernandez de Arroiabe, Peru; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Berasategi Arostegi, Joanes (Elsevier Ltd., 2022)In this work, a novel direct liquid cooling strategy for a large-scale lithium-ion pouch type cell is proposed to control the cell working temperature within the optimum range of performance and safety. With a modular ... -
Numerical analysis of different mass transfer models for falling film absorbers
Fernandez de Arroiabe, Peru; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir (Elsevier Ltd., 2022)Different methodologies have been used in the literature to determine the absorbed vapour mass flux in falling film absorbers. So far, however, there has been little discussion about the impact of different ap- proaches ... -
Numerical methodology based on fluid-structure interaction to predict the residual stress distribution in glass tempering considering non-uniform cooling
Iglesias, Asier; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Torca, Ireneo; Llavori, Inigo; Esnaola, Jon Ander (Elsevier, 2022)In this paper a novel numerical methodology for calculating non-uniform residual stress distributions during the glass tempering process is presented. Tempering techniques lead to non-uniform heat transfer rates causing ... -
Numerical-probabilistic assessment of tempered glass failure based on the generalised local model characterised by annealed plates
Iglesias, Asier; Llavori, Inigo; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Esnaola, Jon Ander (Elsevier, 2022)Large-scale experimental programmes become unavoidable to characterise the fracture behaviour of glass. Additionally, if non-uniform residual stresses are to be considered, the total effort required increases significantly. ... -
Parametric Optimisation of a Direct Liquid Cooling–Based Prototype for Electric Vehicles Focused on Pouch-Type Battery Cells
Martinez Agirre, Manex; Fernandez de Arroiabe, Peru; Berasategi Arostegi, Joanes (MDPI, 2022)In this work, a numerical optimisation process is applied to improve the fluid dynamical aspect of an innovative direct liquid cooling strategy for lithium-ion–based HEV/EV. First, the thermofluidic numerical model of the ... -
A proper orthogonal decomposition analysis upon aerodynamic structures under clean and rough conditions
Zarketa-Astigarraga, Ander; Penalba, Markel; Martin-Mayor, Alain; Martinez Agirre, Manex (AIP Publishing, 2023)A transitional flow regime is known to induce complex flow structures upon aerodynamic geometries such as airfoils, and the dynamics of laminar separation bubbles (LSBs) pose a relevant research field. In addition to being ... -
Techno-economic assessment of far-offshore hydrogen-carrying energy vectors off the Iberian Peninsula
Blanco-Aguilera, Ricardo; Berasategi Arostegi, Joanes; Martinez Agirre, Manex; Penalba, Markel (Elsevier, 2024)Green hydrogen (H2) generation in far-offshore locations is being proposed as an alternative for the decarbonisation of the current fossil fuel-based energy system. However, due to the limited experience and low level of ...