Zerrendatu Artikuluak-Hezkuntza honen arabera: egilea "d100db93550d99a42acb6eb276939917"
Better to Be Alone than in Bad Company: Cognate Synonyms Impair Word Learning
Antón, Eneko (MDPI, 2020-07-29)The effects of cognate synonymy in L2 word learning are explored. Participants learned the names of well-known concrete concepts in a new fictional language following a picture-word association paradigm. Half of the ... -
A comparison of two language support programs in the Basque Autonomous Community: exploring school adaptation and language proficiency
Urionaguena, Mikel; Urizar, Ane; Antón, Eneko; Garro, Eneritz (Taylor & Francis Group, 2025-02-11)This study compares two language support programs in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC), where Basque and Spanish are official languages. However, unlike in many other regions, the minority language, Basque, is the main ... -
The effects of instruction on students´ argumentative scientific writing in a Basque medium of instruction setting
Garro, Eneritz; Antón, Eneko; Arias-Hermoso, Roberto; Carmona, Unai (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024)The present quasi-experimental study explores the effects of instruction on secondary students’ scientific argumentative writing in a Basque medium of instruction program. Secondary students (N = 105) completed written ... -
¡Hola! Nice to Meet You: Language Mixing and Biographical Information Processing
Antón, Eneko (MDPI, 2021)In bilingual communities, social interactions take place in both single- and mixed-language contexts. Some of the information shared in multilingual conversations, such as interlocutors’ personal information, is often ... -
Impact of a cognitive training on reading of 6-year-old children
Antón, Eneko (Serious Games Society, 2024-09-02)Numerous studies explore the effect of cognitive stimulation programmes on reading skills in children and adolescents, with mixed results. Although several studies support that the relationships established between executive ... -
Incidental changes in orthographic processing in the native language as a function of learning a new language late in life
Antón, Eneko (Taylor & Francis Group, 2020)Acquiring a second alphabetic language also entails learning a new set of orthographic rules and specific patterns of grapheme combinations (namely, the orthotactics). The present longitudinal study aims to investigate ... -
Recycling in Babel: The Impact of Foreign Languages in Rule Learning
Antón, Eneko (MDPI, 2020-05-27)Environmental decisions and prosocial behaviors have been shown to be emotionally mediated, and language is at the core of emotions. The language context can alter the way decisions are made, and using a foreign language ... -
Similar Conceptual Mapping of Novel Objects in Mixed- and Single-Language Contexts in Fluent Basque-Spanish Bilinguals
Antón, Eneko (John Wiley & Sons, 2020)Participants learned the meaning of novel objects by listening to two complementary definitions while watching videos of the new object, in a single‐language context (all in Spanish) or a mixed‐language context (one ... -
A Systematic Literature Review of the Impact of Cognitive Stimulation Programs on Reading Skills in Children Aged between 6 and 12 Years Old
Antón, Eneko (MDPI, 2024)The scientific evidence regarding the possibility of transferring benefits derived from cognitive training focused on working memory and inhibitory control to reading skills in children aged 6 to 12 is inconclusive. This ...