Zerrendatu Artikuluak-Hezkuntza honen arabera: egilea "b2b5ca88193463fc1b50a27c169313f5"
Determinación y creatividad en tiempos de pandemia
Alvarez-Huerta, Paula; Larrea, Inaki; Azkarate-Iturbe, Oxel; Carpintero-Martin, Ana; Vitoria Gallastegi, Jose Ramon (Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2024-06-11)Durante el confinamiento decretado en el período de alarma sanitaria provocada por la COVID-19, en España se suspendieron todas las actividades educativas de carácter presencial forzando la utilización de vías de trabajo ... -
Disposition toward critical thinking and creative confidence beliefs in higher education students: The mediating role of openness to diversity and challenge
Alvarez-Huerta, Paula; Larrea, Inaki (Elsevier Ltd, 2022)Creative thinking and critical thinking are complementary cognitive processes that are important for dealing with complex challenges. The primary aim of this study was to examine the mediating role of openness to diversity ... -
Editorial: Higher education and non-cognitive skill development: Why, what and how?
Alvarez-Huerta, Paula; Larrea, Inaki (Frontiers, 2022) -
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy among first-year undergraduates: Gender, creative self-efficacy, leadership self-efficacy, and field of study
Alvarez-Huerta, Paula; Larrea, Inaki (Cracow University of Economics, 2022-12-30)Objective: To contribute to a better understanding of the factors that influence university students’ confidence in their ability to engage in entrepreneurial behaviours. Research Design & Methods: Participants were ... -
Influence of internship, service learning and student mobility programmes on the development of critical thinking disposition in higher education
Alvarez-Huerta, Paula; Larrea, Inaki (Elsevier Ltd, 2024)A willingness to explore new ideas and to maintain reflective skepticism is necessary to exercise critical citizenship. Importantly, the disposition to think critically is a dynamic (rather than static) characteristic of ... -
Lehen mailako unibertsitate-ikasleen berrikuntzarako joera
Alvarez-Huerta, Paula; Larrea, Inaki (Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2022)Ikerlan honen helburua da lehen mailako unibertsitate-ikasleen berrikuntzarako joera aztertzea, generoaren eta izena emandako ikasketaren jakintza-arloaren ara-bera. Horretarako, proposatu da autoeraginkortasun sortzailea, ... -
Soft skills development in work-based learning: a systematic literature review
Urkia-Basterra, Iraia; Imaz Agirre, Ainara; Alvarez-Huerta, Paula (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2025)Purpose The purpose of this systematic literature review is to identify which soft skills are developed during work-based learning (WBL) programmes in higher education contexts. Additionally, the study sought to identify ... -
Student engagement and creative confidence beliefs in higher education
Alvarez-Huerta, Paula; Larrea, Inaki (Elsevier, 2021)The fostering of creativity in higher education has been linked to enhanced professional com-petences and personal development among students. The main aim of this study was to examine the relationship between student ...