Ikerketa-Artikuluak: Azken bidalketak
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Digital Interferometry Applied to Thermogravitational Technique
(Springer, 2018)In this work, we have applied Optical Digital Interferometry approach to thermogravitational micro-column technique. By the new analysis, we examine the entire height of the micro-column and determine the complete concentration ... -
A Note on Interpreting Tool Temperature Measurements from Thermography
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)Thermography (thermal imaging) is a well-established experimental method for studying cutting tool temperature distributions. In one form, cutting edge temperatures within the chip / tool contact area are deduced from ... -
Transport properties of the binary mixtures of the three organic liquids toluene, methanol, and cyclohexane
(AIP Publishing, 2017)We report on the measurements of diffusion (D), thermodiffusion (DT), and Soret (ST) coefficients in binary pairs of the ternary system toluene-methanol-cyclohexane using different instrumental techniques: microgravity ... -
Hybrid ac/dc microgrids. Part II : Review and classification of control strategies
(Elsevier, 2015)Microgrids are envisioned as one of the most suitable alternatives for the integration of distributed generation units in the utility grid, as they efficiently combine generation, energy storage and loads in the same ... -
Determining tool/chip temperatures from thermography measurements in metal cutting
(Elsevier, 2018)Temperature measurement in metal cutting is of central importance as tool wear and surface integrity have been demonstrated to be temperature dependent. In this context, infrared thermography is presented as a reliable ... -
Hybrid ac/dc microgrids. Part I : Review and classification of topologies
(Elsevier, 2015)Microgrids have been widely studied in the literature as a possible approach for the integration of distributed energy sources with energy storage systems in the electric network. Until now the most used configuration has ... -
Reduction of distortions in large aluminium parts by controlling machining-induced residual stresses
(Springer, 2018)Large aluminium monolithic parts used in the aeronautic industry frequently show significant geometric distortions after the machining process. These distortions are the consequence of the initial residual stresses of the ... -
Control of PWM rectifier under grid voltage dips
(PAN, 2009)This paper investigates control structure for grid connected three-phase two-level Voltage Source Converter (VSC) under distorted grid voltage conditions. Grid voltage is distorted by balanced and unbalanced voltage dips ... -
Metal cutting experiments and modelling for improved determination of chip/tool contact temperature by infrared thermography
(Elsevier Ltd, 2015)Temperature measurement in metal cutting at the chip and work contact is of central importance due to temperature dependence of tool wear and surface integrity. Infrared thermography is commonly employed to determine the ... -
Sensitivity analysis of the input parameters of a physical based ductile failure model of Ti-6Al-4V for the prediction of surface integrity
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)In machining of Ti-6Al-4V, it is commonly reported the appearance of segmented chip produced by adiabatic shearing (at high cutting speeds) and lack of ductility (at low cutting speeds). Moreover, machining is a manufacturing ... -
Surface drag analysis after Ti-6Al-4V orthogonal cutting using grid distortion
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)Surface integrity directly affects the mechanical behavior of the workpiece, which is especially relevant on fatigue behavior. To characterize the quality of the machined surface, aspects such as material damage, roughness ... -
Influence of lubrication condition on the surface integrity induced during drag finishing
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)Tribofinishing is one of the most popular polishing process in industry. The action of small abrasive media around parts enables to reduce significantly surface roughness and at the same time, to induce compressive residual ... -
Diagnosis and new challenges on design. The case of Mondragon Corporation's industry area
(Elsevier Ltd, 2015)La integración del diseño en los procesos de innovación conlleva una mejora de la competitividad. No obstante, investigaciones a nivel estatal indican que en la industria predomina todavía una visión estético-funcional del ... -
Percepciones del profesorado universitario y de futuros docentes hacia un modelo híbrido. El caso de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2021)La crisis provocada por la COVID-19 ha promovido que los entornos tanto online como híbridos adquieran un gran protagonismo en todas las etapas del sistema educativo. Este desafío ha suscitado la visibilización de retos ... -
Comparative small-signal evaluation of advanced grid-forming control techniques
(Elsevier B.V., 2022)This paper presents the small-signal modelling and analysis of the most recent grid-forming control techniques, namely the matching control (MC) and the dispatchable virtual oscillator (dVOC). These are compared to more ... -
Stability tool for electric power systems with a high penetration of electronic power converters
(Elsevier B.V., 2022)The increasing use of electronic converters is making possible the development of more sustainable, efficient, and reliable electric power systems, but it is also introducing new challenges that need to be addressed. Power ... -
A Novel Model for Vulnerability Analysis through Enhanced Directed Graphs and Quantitative Metrics
(MDPI, 2022)The rapid evolution of industrial components, the paradigm of Industry 4.0, and the new connectivity features introduced by 5G technology all increase the likelihood of cybersecurity incidents. Such incidents are caused ... -
Identification of the Parameter Values of the Constitutive and Friction Models in Machining Using EGO Algorithm: Application to Ti6Al4V
(MDPI, 2022)The application of artificial intelligence and increasing high-speed computational performance is still not fully explored in the field of numerical modeling and simulation of machining processes. The efficiency of the ... -
A modified genetic algorithm applied to the elevator dispatching problem
(Springer, 2016)Reduction of passenger waiting time in a multiple elevator system is an important goal in the lift industry. Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been applied to the dispatching problem in vertical transportation. In this paper, ...