Ikerketa-Artikuluak: Azken bidalketak
848-tik 41-60 emaitza erakusten
Fast finite element based vibration response calculation procedure for permanent magnet synchronous machines
(IEEE, 2024)The vibration of the stator frame due to electromagnetic forces is one of the main noise and vibration sources of electric machines. In some applications, due to the wide variety of working conditions, magnetic circuit ... -
Circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Drivers, opportunities, barriers and strategies
(Elsevier, 2024)This study assesses for the first time the drivers, opportunities, barriers, and strategies for the transition to a circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean through a comprehensive systematic review of the current ... -
Evaluación probabilística del vidrio templado basada en simulación multifísica avanzada de proceso y desempeño
(Sociedad Española de Integridad Estructural - Grupo Español de Fractura SEIE-GEF, 2023)El vidrio es ampliamente utilizado en aplicaciones estructurales, estando presente en sectores como el sector de la automoción o el sector de la construcción. El comportamiento estructural del vidrio depende principalmente ... -
Basques in the West: Euskara Jalgi Hadi Mundura
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2024)Thousands of individuals have left the Basque Country, Euskal Herria, throughout its history. In the US West they encountered a language barrier, which had an effect on their relationships and ability to settle in the ... -
Valores de referencia en los parámetros del sueño en escolares de Educación Básica en Euskadi
(Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF), 2024-11-01)Un sueño adecuado es crucial para el desarrollo físico, emocional y cognitivo de los niños y adolescentes, ya que afecta significativamente a su salud y al bienestar en general. En este contexto, el presente estudio presenta ... -
Characterization of the heat transfer coefficient at near solidus forming condition using columnar pressing test
(Springer Nature, 2024)This study addresses the significant gap in the literature regarding the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) under near-solidus forming (NSF) conditions, where materials are shaped close to their solidus state, presenting ... -
Wear properties of a new Al80Mg10Si5Cu5 multicomponent alloy
(Elsevier, 2024)The present study investigates the tribological properties of a newly developed multicomponent aluminium weight-light multicomponent alloy for wear based on the Al80Mg10Si5Cu5 system for lightweight automotive applications, ... -
EMI simulation of permanent magnet motor drive systems
(IEEE, 2024)With an increasing emphasis on energy efficiency and the widespread adoption of Wide-Band-Gap (WBG) devices, understanding and mitigating EMI is crucial for the reliability and performance of electric drives. This research ... -
Understanding strategic responses to the COVID-19 crisis by manufacturing SMEs: a cluster analysis
(Adingor, 2024)Manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which play a decisive role in the Spanish and European economies, have been particularly affected by the disruption generated by the COVID-19 crisis, with their ... -
Critical and concious digital humanities: a decalogue for the short future
(Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2023)Artikulu honek aztertzen du humanitate digital kritiko eta kontzienteen eremua eta teknologiaren eta ikuspegi humanistikoaren intersekzioan jartzen du arreta. Digitalizazioak gizartean, ekonomian eta eguneroko bizitzan ... -
Assessing heavy maintenance alternatives for floating offshore wind farms: Towing vs. onsite replacement strategies
(Elsevier, 2025)This paper presents the first comparative study evaluating towing and onsite replacement strategies for heavy maintenance of floating offshore wind (FOW) turbines. The towing maintenance strategy is characterised by a ... -
The effects of instruction on students´ argumentative scientific writing in a Basque medium of instruction setting
(John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024)The present quasi-experimental study explores the effects of instruction on secondary students’ scientific argumentative writing in a Basque medium of instruction program. Secondary students (N = 105) completed written ... -
Impact of a cognitive training on reading of 6-year-old children
(Serious Games Society, 2024-09-02)Numerous studies explore the effect of cognitive stimulation programmes on reading skills in children and adolescents, with mixed results. Although several studies support that the relationships established between executive ... -
Merging Worklife Organizational Innovation and Educational Programs: Promoting Continuous Adaptations to the Global Economy
(Springer, 2024-10-14)This essay honors the accomplishments of Morten Levin both by analyzing some of the key innovative educational programs he created and by extending the elements of that analysis to two other cases, that of Aker Solutions ... -
A Hierarchical Multilevel Modeling Framework for the Creation of High-Quality Solid Models in Parametric Feature-Based CAD Systems
(U-turn Press, 2025)Building on the premise that quality is a complex and multifaceted concept, we advocate for the structuring of the concept of quality in engineering design parametric CAD modeling by using three hierarchical levels. The ... -
Embracing strategic knowledge for developing a methodological framework for parametric modeling quality
(U-turn Press, 2025)In Model-Based Enterprise environments, 3D CAD models — specifically, native parametric solid models — become the primary carriers of design information for engineering and manufacturing activities. It is therefore critical ... -
On the use of machine learning for predicting femtosecond laser grooves in tribological applications
(Elsevier, 2024)Femtosecond laser surface texturing is gaining increased interest for optimizing tribological behaviour. However, the laser surface texturing parameter selection is often conducted through time-consuming and inefficient ... -
Unravelling dynamic recrystallisation in a microalloyed steel during rapid high temperature deformation using synchrotron X-rays
(Elsevier, 2024)Microstructure evolution during high-strain rate and high-temperature thermo-mechanical processing of a 44MnSiV6 microalloyed steel is investigated using in situ synchrotron high-energy powder X-ray diffraction. The ... -
IM2, a Maturity Model for Innovation in SMEs
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización (ADINGOR), 2018)With the aim to discover and assess specific aspects of management and evaluate their ‘maturity level’, both practitioners and academics have developed a wide range of maturity assessment models over the last decades. In ... -
Disparities by socioeconomic status and diagnosis of dementia in the prescribing of antipsychotics in a real-World data population over 60 years of age
(IOS Press, 2024)Background: Antipsychotics are widely used in the elderly due to the high prevalence of neuropsychiatric associated with dementia. Objective: To analyze potential disparities in antipsychotic use in the general ...