Ikerketa-Artikuluak: Azken bidalketak
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An analysis of the Mondragon case's competitiveness from a systemic perspective
(OmniaScience, 2023)Purpose: In this paper, the authors analyse some of the aspects that contribute to the better performance of Mondragon Corporation compared to other cooperatives and to the rest of the companies in the Basque Country from ... -
Digital Twins: building your own virtual lab for enhanced vocational education training
(Tknika, 2023)The emergence, in the context of Industry 4.0, of tools for developing Digital Twins of automated industrial systems brings about a paradigm shift in the development of control systems. Their virtual commissioning allows ... -
Techno-economic assessment of far-offshore hydrogen-carrying energy vectors off the Iberian Peninsula
(Elsevier, 2024)Green hydrogen (H2) generation in far-offshore locations is being proposed as an alternative for the decarbonisation of the current fossil fuel-based energy system. However, due to the limited experience and low level of ... -
Comparative assessment of synthetic time series generation approaches in healthcare: leveraging patient metadata for accurate data synthesis
(Springer Nature, 2024)Background Synthetic data is an emerging approach for addressing legal and regulatory concerns in biomedical research that deals with personal and clinical data, whether as a single tool or through its combination with ... -
Local gradient analysis of human brain function using the Vogt-Bailey Index
(Springer, 2024)In this work, we take a closer look at the Vogt-Bailey (VB) index, proposed in Bajada et al. (NeuroImage 221:117140, 2020) as a tool for studying local functional homogeneity in the human cortex. We interpret the VB index ... -
Machine learning model of acoustic signatures: Towards digitalised thermal spray manufacturing
(Elsevier, 2024)Thermal spraying, an important industrial surface manufacturing process in sectors such as aerospace, energy and biomedical, remains a skill intensive process often involving multiple trial runs impacting the yield. The ... -
Development and Comparison of Rule- and Machine Learning-Based EMS for HESS Providing Grid Services
(IEEE, 2024)In this paper, a smart machine-learning-based energy management system (MLBEMS) is developed for a hybrid energy storage system (HESS). This HBESS consists of batteries with high-energy (HE) and high-power (HP) characteristics, ... -
Evolution of the European offshore renewable energy resource under multiple climate change scenarios and forecasting horizons via CMIP6
(Elsevier, 2024)The design of the different offshore renewable energy (ORE) technologies depends on the characteristics of wind/wave resources. However, these characteristics are not stationary under climate change. In this study the ... -
A comprehensive analytical sizing methodology for transverse and radial flux machines
(IEEE, 2023)Transverse flux machines have the potential to offer high torque density in direct-drive vehicle traction applications. Besides, sizing equations are a wide-spread technique for transverse flux machines design, as their ... -
Effect of Post-Processing Treatment on Fatigue Performance of Ti6Al4V Alloy Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
(MDPI, 2023)Fatigue properties of parts are of particular concern for safety-critical structures. It is well-known that discontinuities in shape or non-uniformities in materials are frequently a potential nucleus of fatigue failure. ... -
A proper orthogonal decomposition analysis upon aerodynamic structures under clean and rough conditions
(AIP Publishing, 2023)A transitional flow regime is known to induce complex flow structures upon aerodynamic geometries such as airfoils, and the dynamics of laminar separation bubbles (LSBs) pose a relevant research field. In addition to being ... -
An Improved Explicit Reference Modeling Methodology for Parametric Design
(Elsevier, 2023)The use of formal methodologies for parametric modeling has been shown to significantly improve the robustness and reusability of feature-based CAD models, particularly in response to changes, which has implications in the ... -
Implementation of Project-Based Learning for Design of Experiments Using 3D Printing
(OmniaScience, 2023)Purpose:This paper aims to present how the project-based learning (PBL) methodology wasimplemented in the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, located in The Basque Country,Spain, during ... -
The composite improved generalized steinmetz equation (ciGSE): an accurate model combining the composite waveform hypothesis with classical approaches
(IEEE, 2024)Predicting core losses is a difficult task for designing magnetic components. Under triangular current waveforms the classical approaches work with duty cycles close to 0.5 but are inaccurate for high and low duty cycles. ... -
A Preliminary Study on the Quality of Joining AISI 316 and AISI 3415 Steel by the Near Solidus Forming Process
(MDPI, 2023)In this study, the Near Solidus Forming (NSF) process, which falls under the umbrella of semi-solid processes, was utilized to coforge an AISI 316 tube and an AISI 3415 rod into an as-forged valve geometry. The billet used ... -
Retinal thickness as a biomarker of cognitive impairment in manifest Huntington’s disease
(Springer Nature, 2023)Background Cognitive decline has been reported in premanifest and manifest Huntington’s disease but reliable biomarkers are lacking. Inner retinal layer thickness seems to be a good biomarker of cognition in other ... -
A microservice-based framework for multi-level testing of ciber-physical systems
(Springer, 2023)In the last years, the use of microservice architectures is spreading in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) and Internet of Things (IoT) domains. CPSs are systems that integrate digital cyber computations with physical processes. ... -
A direct method to quantify lithium plating on graphite negative electrode of commercial Li-ion cells
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)The deposition of metallic lithium is a degradation mechanism, also known as lithium plating, that might occur at the negative electrode surface of Li-ion battery cell, especially during fast charging, low temperature ... -
Effects of Different Si Content and Thermal Stories on the Secondary Phase Formation, Hot Ductility, and Stress Rupture Properties of Alloy 718 Investment Castings
(Springer, 2023)Herein, the effects of microstructure on high-temperature properties (hot ductility and stress rupture life) were investigated in alloy 718 investment castings manufactured with different Si contents (0.051, 0.11, and 0.17 ...