Ikerketa-Artikuluak: Recent submissions
Now showing items 401-420 of 849
A useful analytical formula to avoid thermal damage in the adaptive control of dry surface grinding
(Elsevier, 2016)An adaptive control is proposed for dry surface grinding to extend the use of the wheel without needing to be dressed, preserving at the same time the surface integrity of the workpiece. The implementation of this adaptive ... -
Microstructural aspects of the transition between two regimes in orthogonal cutting of AISI 1045 steel
(Elsevier, 2018)In depth understanding of tool-chip friction behavior is a significant aspect for tool wear performance in steels. In the present work attention has been paid to the strain mode of the chip section in contact with the rake ... -
Mass effect on the soret coefficient in n-alkane mixtures
(AIP Publishing, 2014)We have determined the Soret coefficient of different equimolar and non equimolar n-alkane mixtures from measurements of the molecular diffusion and thermal diffusion coefficients. It is shown that equimolar mixtures behave ... -
Metodología UCAD: nuevo procedimiento de diseño de interfaces centrado en el usuario para la industria 4.0
(Dyna, 2017)La nueva industria inteligente trae consigo una gran transformación y ofrece nuevas oportunidades y posibilidades de mejora para la industria manufacturera. De modo que se han creado nuevos sistemas ciber-físicos de ... -
OPTIBODY: A New Structural Design Focused in Safety
(SAE International, 2013)With electric vehicles becoming more and more popular, the classic “general purpose” vehicle concept is changing to a “dedicated vehicle” concept. Light trucks for goods delivery in cities are one of the examples. The ... -
Sorption isotherm, glass transition, and diffusion coefficient of polyacrylamide/water solutions
(ACS Publications, 2012)The sorption isotherm, the glass transition, and the mutual diffusion coefficient of polyacrylamide/water solutions are obtained experimentally. All of these parameters are measured in the concentrated regime by gravimetric ... -
Determination of molecular diffusion coefficient in n-Alkane binary mixtures: empirical correlations
(ACS Publishing, 2012)In this work we have measured the molecular diffusion coefficient of the n-alkane binary series nCi-nC6, nCi-nC10, and nCi-nC12 at 298 K and 1 atm and a mass fraction of 0.5 by using the so-called sliding symmetric tubes ... -
Higher harmonics compensation in grid-connected PWM converters for renewable energy interface and active filtering
(Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2011)The paper presents overview of high-order harmonics compensation methods applied for control of grid-connected converter. Two harmonic compensation methods are presented. One based on band-pass filers cooperating with ... -
Tool Damage and Adhesion Effects in Turning and Drilling of Hardened Steels
(World Academy of Science, 2016)Noteworthy results have been obtained in the turning and drilling of hardened high-strength steels using tungsten carbide based cutting tools. In a finish turning process, it was seen that surface roughness and tool flank ... -
Towards Human-Scale Competitiveness: Priority Challenges for Triple Helix towards 2030
(MDPI, 2022)The future of regions must be built on human-scale competitiveness based on quality employment, sustainability (climate, digital, and demographic), knowledge and skills, new business projects focused on people, and equality ... -
Diseño de los Grados en Ingeniería y su modelo de implantación en Mondragon Unibersitatea
(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2009)The adaptation of the university studies to the European Space for Higher Education, has supposed a reformulation of its educational model for the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Mondragon. The new model focuses ... -
Medium voltage-high power converter topologies comparison procedure for a 6.6kV Drive Application using 4.5kV IGBT Modules
(IEEE, 2012)This paper presents a general comparison procedure for medium voltage - high power multilevel converter topologies and semiconductors, which is mainly based on analyzing the performance limits of the converters output ... -
A performance-based taxonomy of entrepreneurial universities
(InderScience, 2018)The European higher education landscape has experienced dramatic changes in the last decades and the entrepreneurial university has turned into a potential solution to these perceived problems. Therefore, this paper proposes ... -
Eyeface : a new multimethod tool to evaluate the perception of conceptual user experiences
(Elsevier, 2015)Based on the identification of a new multimethod tool necessity, a new tool called Eyeface has been created by combining two different devices: the Eye-tracking and the Facereader. This research work analyses a new multimethod ... -
Nuevas metodologías centradas en el usuario para la creación de software en la industria 4.0
(Dyna, 2017)La cuarta revolución industrial o más conocida como la industria 4.0 ha supuesto una gran transformación en el ámbito de la máquina herramienta. Mediante los sistemas ciber-físicos se logra conectar todos los objetos de ... -
Nuevo modelo de evaluación de ideas conceptuales para productos y servicios basados en la experiencia de usuario
(Publicaciones DYNA, S.L., 2016)More and more companies are integrating the experience design into their development process. This new approach allows to develop new products and services, based on user's emotions and motivations. In order to advance in ... -
El reto de la tercera misión. Una visión desde Mondragon Unibertsitatea
(Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2017)Este artículo se centra en la Tercera Misión de las universidades y aclara su sentido y significado en Mondragon Unibertsitatea. En la primera parte, se realiza una aproximación conceptual a la Tercera Misión y se ... -
Autoconfrontación a la propia actividad de enseñanza. Formación e investigación de la formación
(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universitdad de Murcia, 2017)Partimos de un posicionamiento epistemológico accional, praxiológico que toma la actividad humana (aquí la enseñanza de las lenguas y la formación) ... -
Innovación y cambio en la Formación Profesional del País Vasco. El modelo ETHAZI
(Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, 2017)Los cambios económicos, productivos y tecnológicos que se están produciendo de forma acelerada desde comienzos del siglo XXI, obligan a repensar las finalidades y las formas de enseñanza-aprendizaje en ... -
Investigación e innovación responsables: retos teóricos y políticos
(CIES, Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia, 2017)El artículo valora las nuevas vías para conceptualizar las relaciones entre ciencia, tecnología, políticas públicas y sociedad. Los Estudios de Ciencia y Tecnología anticipan modelos alternativos para comprender la gobernanza ...