Zerrendatu Ikerketa-DoktoregoTesiak honen arabera: egilea "1c8afecd011cb4f3383bd273b1934b09"
Effects of channel estimation and implementation on the performance on MIMO wireless systems
Mendicute, Mikel (Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2008)Bit-rate and quality of service demands of new wireless communication standards are pushing signal theory and algorithm implementation to their limits. One of the main strategies which are being used to achieve the ... -
Reliable Industrial Communications over mmWave Bands
Osa, Joseba (Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2023)Communication systems are a key enabling technology for the industry 4.0 revolution, since they provide the ability to exchange information between different devices. This makes tasks as remote monitoring and control of ...