Secondary school students’ digital competence development: analysing the impact of the “EKI” educational resourceAuthor (from another institution)
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Universitat Jaume IVersion
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https://doi.org/10.21001/edutec.2018Published at
EDUcación con TECnología : un compromiso social. Aproximaciones desde la investigación y la innovación F. X. Carrera Farran, F. Martínez Sánchez, J. L. Coiduras Rodríguez, E. Brescó Baiges & E. Vaquero Tió (eds.). pp. 201-205. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida: Asociación EDUTECPublisher
Edicions de la Universitat de LleidaKeywords
Digital competenceSecondary education
Digital competence assessment
Educational resource
This article analyses the development of secondary students’ digital competence by means of
the education resource created by the association of Basque schools. The education resource,
known as EKI ... [+]
This article analyses the development of secondary students’ digital competence by means of
the education resource created by the association of Basque schools. The education resource,
known as EKI Project, was developed together with the aimed exit profile as regards digital
competence. The latter is based on the DIGCOMP framework and defines the level that students should achieve at the end of secondary education by using the designed material, EKI.
A content analysis is being carried out with the educational resource in order to classify the
different activities into the categories of the previously defined digital competence exit profile.
The aim of the present study is to examine if the exit profile defined could be achieved by the
activities proposed. The preliminary results show that some specific areas of the digital competence defined by the exit profile are more developed than others. Further research must be
carried out, in order to ensure that the main question is answered. [-]
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