Systematic complexity reduction of wave-to-wire models for wave energy system designEgilea
Egilea (beste erakunde batekoa)
Beste instituzio
National University of Ireland, MaynoothBertsioa
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd.Sarbidea
Sarbide bahituaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107651Non argitaratua
Ocean Engineering Vol. 217. N. Art. 107651, 2020Argitaratzailea
Elsevier Ltd.Gako-hitzak
Wave energy
Wave-structure hydrodynamic interactions
Hydraulic power take-off
Wave-to-wire modelling ... [+]
Wave-structure hydrodynamic interactions
Hydraulic power take-off
Wave-to-wire modelling ... [+]
Wave energy
Wave-structure hydrodynamic interactions
Hydraulic power take-off
Wave-to-wire modelling
Systematic complexity reduction [-]
Wave-structure hydrodynamic interactions
Hydraulic power take-off
Wave-to-wire modelling
Systematic complexity reduction [-]
Wave-to-wire models are valuable tools for a variety of applications in the development of successful wave energy converters. However, computational requirements of these wave-to-wire models are often ... [+]
Wave-to-wire models are valuable tools for a variety of applications in the development of successful wave energy converters. However, computational requirements of these wave-to-wire models are often prohibitive for certain applications that require fast mathematical models, such as power assessment or control design. The need for computationally fast models is traditionally achieved by assuming linear hydrodynamics and simplifying power take-off (PTO) dynamics with a linear damper in the mathematical model, though these assumptions can be relatively unjustified. However, these computationally appealing mathematical models can have a fidelity level which compromises their use in particular applications. Therefore, this paper suggests an application- sensitive systematic complexity reduction approach that reduces computational requirements of a high-fidelity simulation platform (HiFiWEC), i.e. a CFD-based numerical wave tank coupled to a high-fidelity PTO model, while retaining a level of fidelity in a sense specific to particular applications. The illustrative case study analysed here includes a point absorber with a hydraulic PTO system. Results show that reduced wave-to-wire models designed via the systematic complexity reduction approach retain the application-relevant fidelity (up to 95% fidelity compared to the HiFiWEC) for similar computational requirements shown by the traditionally used linear mathematical models. [-]