Conceptual framework for process-oriented feedback through Learning Analytics DashboardsVersion
Published version
© 2020 for the individual papers by the papers' authorsAccess
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LASI-SPAIN 2020 : Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2020: Learning Analytics. Time for Adoption? A. Martínez-Monés, A. Álvarez, M. Caeiro-Rodríguez & Y. Dimitriadis (eds.). pp. 73-80. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2671Publisher
CEUR Workshop ProceedingsKeywords
Learning analytics dashboardsProcess-oriented feedback
Learning sciences
The number of students enrolled in online higher education courses is
increasing, and as a result, more data on their learning process is being generated.
By exploring this student behavior data thr ... [+]
The number of students enrolled in online higher education courses is
increasing, and as a result, more data on their learning process is being generated.
By exploring this student behavior data through learning analytics, both student
and teacher can be provided with process-oriented feedback in the form of
dashboards. However, little is known about the typology of relevant feedback in
the dashboard to different learning objectives, students and teachers. Although
most dashboards and the feedback they provide are based solely on student
performance indicators, research shows that such feedback is not sufficient. This
article attempts to define a conceptual model that visualizes the relationships
between the design of a Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD) and the concepts
of learning science in order to provide process-oriented feedback that supports
the regulation of learning. The aim of the work is not to propose a specific design
of the LAD to provide feedback, but rather a conceptual framework for the choice
of concepts for that design, and therefore to help understand future data needs as
a basis for the educational feedback of the dashboards. As a conclusion of our
research, we can say that having LADs adapted to any profile (student, teacher,
etc.) can improve decision-making processes by showing each user the
information that interests them most in the way that best enables them to
understand it. [-]
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