Finite Element Prediction of the Tool Wear Influence in Ti6Al4V MachiningAutor-a
Otras instituciones
Université de Mons (Bélgica)Versión
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© 2015 The AuthorsAcceso
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http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.03.056Publicado en
Procedia CIRP Vol. 31. Pp. 124–129. Available online 3 June, 2015Editor
ElsevierPalabras clave
Surface integrityTitaniumFinite element method
Ti6Al4 V is a titanium alloy widely used in the aeronautical industry and machining is often adopted to manufacture it. These parts must satisfy requirements specified by the customer. A crucial chara ... [+]
Ti6Al4 V is a titanium alloy widely used in the aeronautical industry and machining is often adopted to manufacture it. These parts must satisfy requirements specified by the customer. A crucial characteristic of aircraft machined parts is their reliability and, therefore, their fatigue life has to be mastered. In this context, the corresponding requirement concerns the surface integrity. This should be achieved by selecting adequate cutting parameters, which is actually not an immediate operation. The geometry of the tool will afterwards change during its life, what is more as Ti6Al4 V is known to be a hard-to-machine material. In this context, a finite element model is developed to highlight the influence of tool wear on fundamental variables like forces, temperatures, stresses,... and surface integrity (through plastic strains). The results should help to decide when it is time to replace the tool before altering the part and therefore not meet the specifications anymore. [-]
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