Membrane-containing virus particles exhibits mechanics of a composite material for genome protectionAutor-a (de otra institución)
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University of Helsinki
University of Leeds
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© The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018Acceso
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http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c8nr00196kPublicado en
Nanoscale Vol. 10. Nº 16. Pp. 7769–7779. Nanoscale. Published online April 16, 2018Primera página
7769Última página
Royal Society of ChemistryResumen
The protection of the viral genome during extracellular transport is an absolute requirement for virus survival and replication. In addition to the almost universal proteinaceous capsids, certain viru ... [+]
The protection of the viral genome during extracellular transport is an absolute requirement for virus survival and replication. In addition to the almost universal proteinaceous capsids, certain viruses add a membrane layer that encloses their double-stranded (ds) DNA genome within the protein shell. Using the membrane-containing enterobacterial virus PRD1 as a prototype, and a combination of nanoindentation assays by atomic force microscopy and finite element modelling, we show that PRD1 provides a greater stability against mechanical stress than that achieved by the majority of dsDNA icosahedral viruses that lack a membrane. We propose that the combination of a stiff and brittle proteinaceous shell coupled with a soft and compliant membrane vesicle yields a tough composite nanomaterial well-suited to protect the viral DNA during extracellular transport. [-]
Gobierno de EspañaID Proyecto
GE/Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Convocatoria 2015/BFU2015-64541-R/ES/Descifrando los procesos del ciclo vital del virus con membrana mediante técnicas estructurales/Colecciones
- Artículos - Ingeniería [700]
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