Review of Architectures Based on Partial Power Processing for DC-DC ApplicationsOther institutions
Universidad de ZaragozaVersion
Published version
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Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2999062Published at
IEEE Access Vol. 8. Pp. 103405-103418, 2020Publisher
DC-DC power converters
Differential Power Converters
Partial Power Converters
Partial Power Processing ... [+]
Differential Power Converters
Partial Power Converters
Partial Power Processing ... [+]
DC-DC power converters
Differential Power Converters
Partial Power Converters
Partial Power Processing
Series Connected Converters [-]
Differential Power Converters
Partial Power Converters
Partial Power Processing
Series Connected Converters [-]
This paper presents a review of advanced architectures based on the partial power processing concept, whose main objective is to achieve a reduction of the power processed by the converter. If the pow ... [+]
This paper presents a review of advanced architectures based on the partial power processing concept, whose main objective is to achieve a reduction of the power processed by the converter. If the power processed by the converter is decreased, the power losses generated by the power converter are reduced, obtaining lower sized converters and higher system efficiencies. Through the review 3 different partial power processing strategies are distinguished: Differential Power Converters, Partial Power Converters and Mixed strategies. Each strategy is subdivided into smaller groups that entail different architectures with their own advantages and disadvantages. Also, due to the lack of agreement that exists in the sources around the naming of the different architectures, this paper seeks to stablish a nomenclature that avoids confusion when indexing this type of architectures. Regarding Partial Power Converters an extensive application oriented description is also developed. Finally, the main conclusions obtained through the review are presented. [-]
- Articles - Engineering [700]
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