Personalised Trachea Stent Designer: a Knowledge FeatureAuthor (from another institution)
Other institutions
Hospital Universitari de BellvitgeVersion
Published version
© 2012 The AuthorsAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2012.07.102Published at
Procedia CIRP Vol.3, Pages 597–601, 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 2012Publisher
Knowledge based engineering
Personalised trachea stent
Design automation ... [+]
Knowledge based engineering
Personalised trachea stent
Design automation ... [+]
Knowledge based engineering
Personalised trachea stent
Design automation
Unigraphics – NX
Knowledge fusion [-]
Knowledge based engineering
Personalised trachea stent
Design automation
Unigraphics – NX
Knowledge fusion [-]
Modelling of anatomical parts is usually tackled through triangulated models with specialised Bio-CAD applications. If features beyond anatomy are required, geometry is usually translated into NURBS g ... [+]
Modelling of anatomical parts is usually tackled through triangulated models with specialised Bio-CAD applications. If features beyond anatomy are required, geometry is usually translated into NURBS geometry for further modification in parametric feature based design CAD systems. But, they remain quite unmanageable yet. The authors present, validate and implement into a knowledge feature a methodology that generates an anatomically personalised trachea stent based a point cloud data extracted from a Computerised Axial Tomography with an open-source medical data visualisation application. [-]
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