Drawbead uplift force analytical model for deep drawing operationsVersión
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http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012177Publicado en
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 1063. Nº 1. 6 August, 2018Editor
IOP Publishing Ltd.Resumen
Drawbead uplift force calculation has been an open issue among the deep drawing tool maker and software developers in the last years. Starting from the original work of Stoughton (1988) many have been ... [+]
Drawbead uplift force calculation has been an open issue among the deep drawing tool maker and software developers in the last years. Starting from the original work of Stoughton (1988) many have been the models presented in order to improve the predictions. However, still nowadays, the main deep drawing software are not able to accurately predict the uplift force and clear example of that are the intensive effort of the software developers in that topic as well as the conversion factors used by the main OEM when acquiring a new tool. In this work, a new semi-analytic model of drawbead closing force calculation is presented. The model is not only able to predict the uplift force for different steps of the closing (very useful for the set-up process) but it has been validated when using a high strength steel (DP780) for different drawbead configuration. [-]
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