Near Solidus Forming (NSF): Semi-Solid Steel Forming at High Solid Content to Obtain As-Forged PropertiesAuthor (from another institution)
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Automotive Intelligence Center (AIC)Version
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https://doi.org/10.3390/met10020198Published at
Metals Vol. 10. N. 2. N. artículo 198. 2020Publisher
MDPI AGKeywords
near solidus forming
steel ... [+]
near solidus forming
steel ... [+]
near solidus forming
forging [-]
near solidus forming
forging [-]
Near solidus forming (NSF) of steels is a novel process under the umbrella of semi-solid forming technologies midway between classical hot forging and semi-solid technologies. This article presents th ... [+]
Near solidus forming (NSF) of steels is a novel process under the umbrella of semi-solid forming technologies midway between classical hot forging and semi-solid technologies. This article presents the work done at Mondragon Unibertsitatea to develop this technology and demonstrates the great potential of the NSF process. The study proves the capability of the process to reduce raw material consumption by 20%, reduce forming loads from 2100 t to 300 t, and reduce forming steps from three to one, to obtain as-forged mechanical properties, as well as the excellent repeatability of the process. The work demonstrates that manufacturing commercial steel components in a single step using several off-the-shelf alloys is possible thanks to the flowing pattern of the material, which enables near-net shaping. In the first part of the article, a general overview of the semi-automated near solidus forming cell, together with a description of the NSF manufacturing trials, is provided, followed by the presentation and discussion of the results for the selected steel alloys. [-]
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