In-Line Dimensional Inspection of Warm-Die Forged Revolution Workpieces Using 3D Mesh ReconstructionAutor-a (de otra institución)
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Universidad EAFIT (Colombia)Vicomtech
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
GKN Driveline Legazpi
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© 2019 by the authorsAcceso
Acceso abiertoVersión del editor
https://doi.org/10.3390/app9061069Publicado en
Applied Sciences Vol.9. Nº 6. 1069. March, 2019Editor
MDPIPalabras clave
in-line dimensional inspection
warm forming
3D mesh reconstruction
optical system ... [+]
warm forming
3D mesh reconstruction
optical system ... [+]
in-line dimensional inspection
warm forming
3D mesh reconstruction
optical system
revolution workpiece [-]
warm forming
3D mesh reconstruction
optical system
revolution workpiece [-]
Industrial dimensional assessment presents instances in which early control is exerted
among “warm” (approx. 600 ºC) pieces. Early control saves resources, as defective processes are
timely stopped ... [+]
Industrial dimensional assessment presents instances in which early control is exerted
among “warm” (approx. 600 ºC) pieces. Early control saves resources, as defective processes are
timely stopped and corrected. Existing literature is devoid of dimensional assessment on warm
workpieces. In response to this absence, this manuscript presents the implementation and results of an optical system which performs in-line dimensional inspection of revolution warm workpieces singled out from the (forming) process. Our system can automatically measure, in less than 60 s, the circular runout of warm revolution workpieces. Such a delay would be 20 times longer if cool-downs were required. Off-line comparison of the runout of T-temperature workpieces (27 ºC ≤ T ≤ 560 ºC) shows a maximum difference of 0.1 mm with respect to standard CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine) runout of cold workpieces (27 ºC), for workpieces as long as 160 mm. Such a difference is acceptable for the forging process in which the system is deployed. The test results show no correlation between the temperature and the runout of the workpiece at such level of uncertainty. A prior-to-operation Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test validates the repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) of our measurement system. In-line assessment of warm workpieces fills a gap in manufacturing processes where early detection of dimensional misfits compensates for the precision loss of the vision system.
The integrated in-line system reduces the number of defective workpieces by 95%. [-]
Gobierno VascoID Proyecto
GV/Basque Industry 4.0//CAPV///Colecciones
- Artículos - Ingeniería [700]
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