A Requirement Engineering Framework for Electric Motors DevelopmentGrupo de investigación
Accionamientos aplicados a la tracción y a la generación de energía eléctricaVersión
Version publicada
© 2018 by the authorsAcceso
Acceso abiertoVersión del editor
https://doi.org/10.3390/app8122391Publicado en
Applied Sciences Vol. 8. 2391. Published 26 November, 2018Editor
MDPI AGPalabras clave
requirement engineering
electric motor
systematic design ... [+]
electric motor
systematic design ... [+]
requirement engineering
electric motor
systematic design
manufacturing [-]
electric motor
systematic design
manufacturing [-]
The applications using electric motors have increased in the last decade. Some of these applications encounter the need for tailor-made motors that must meet demanding requirements. Therefore, the spe ... [+]
The applications using electric motors have increased in the last decade. Some of these applications encounter the need for tailor-made motors that must meet demanding requirements. Therefore, the specification stage of an electric motor is a critical part of its development. If this stage is properly addressed, then future failures in the development process can be avoided. This paper presents a requirement engineering framework to support small-medium electric motors designers/manufacturers with the development of their product. The framework identifies the stakeholders and the tasks that they should undertake to finish a successful requirements specification stage. The framework is made from the designer/manufacturer’s perspective and it emphasizes the derivation of specialized requirements (lower-level). The result of the framework is well-defined requirements that form the design requirements specification of the motor that leads to the beginning of the design stage. [-]
Diputación Foral de GipuzkoaID Proyecto
DFG/Red guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2017/…/GIP/Aplicación de la metodología MOKA para la captura de conocimiento en Diseño y Fabricación de Máquinas Eléctricas/MOKAMAQColecciones
- Artículos - Ingeniería [700]
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