Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza: Azken bidalketak
398-tik 341-360 emaitza erakusten
Robot-aren itxura estetikoak eta erabiltzaileen preferentziak
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2021)Datozen urteetan roboten eta pertsonen arteko bizikidetza handitzea espero da, eta ondorioz, beraien arteko interakzioa optimizatzea beharrezkoa izango da. Robotaren itxura estetikoa bere gaitasunen inguruko informazioa ... -
Human-Centred Design in the context of Servitization in Industry 4.0: A Collaborative Approach
(2021)The competitiveness of the business today will depend on empowering hu-man intelligence and creativity, capturing and capitalizing on available infor-mation and knowledge for the total product and service lifecycle. To ... -
Trends and Proposals for European Industrial Engineering
(Universität Graz, 2021)This article analyses the trends in scientific publications (Web of Science) in the field of industrial engineering (IE) from 1950 to the present. Specifically, it presents the evolution of the emergence of ‘concepts’ ... -
Petri net implementation in programmable logic controllers: methodology for development and validation
(IEEE, 2021)Lead times are key to good market positioning of providers of automated solutions based on a programmable logic controller (PLC). Testing control software against a digital twin (DT) of the process, any programming errors ... -
ADAPT: an Automatic Diagnosis of Activity and Processes in auTomation environments
(IEEE, 2020)In an automated industrial environment, a large volume of data and signals is available, both from sensors and actuators in machinery and from the interaction with operators and users. Operation diagnosis can have multiple ... -
Virtual commissioning of a robotic cell: an educational case study
(IEEE, 2019)The emergence of software tools for testing control programs and virtual commissioning (VC) in industrial automation projects makes it possible to shorten lead times and improve product quality, but it also brings to light ... -
Metamorphic Testing of Autonomous Vehicles: a Case Study on Simulink
(IEEE, 2021)Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) will revolutionize the way people travel by car. However, in order to deploy autonomous vehicles, effective testing techniques are required. The driving quality of an AV should definitely be ... -
Caracterización de la morfología foveal: parametrización, diferencias de sexo y efectos de la edad
(Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, 2020)Frente a los análisis convencionales de grosores de la retina, el análisis morfológico de la fóvea presenta una metodología alternativa de gran potencial pero poco explorada. En este estudio se implementa un pipeline ... -
Training in Quality Engineering concepts and skills : case Study, simulations paper propeller using Six Sigma based methodology
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020)This paper is the result of the collaboration between the professors of the Department of Mechanics and the Production Management of the University of Mondragon and the 4th year students of the Karelia University of Applied ... -
Towards a DevOps Approach in Cyber Physical Production Systems Using Digital Twins
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020)Nowadays product manufacturing must respond to mass customisation of products in order to meet the global market needs. This requires an agile and dynamic production process to be competitive in the market. Consequently, ... -
Interpreting Remaining Useful Life estimations combining Explainable Artificial Intelligence and domain knowledge in industrial machinery
(IEEE, 2020)This paper presents the implementation and explanations of a remaining life estimator model based on machine learning, applied to industrial data. Concretely, the model has been applied to a bushings testbed, where fatigue ... -
Análisis de accesiblidad en interfaces de lavadoras
(AEIPRO, 2019)The interaction with consume products has been changing due to the development of the technology, which often turns out to be a barrier rather than an opportunity for people with disabilities. Appliances in general and ... -
Integrando las dimensiones de la experiencia de paciente en proyectos de diseño centrado en las personas
(AEIPRO, 2020)Diversas investigaciones apuntan que una eXperiencia de Paciente (PX) positiva mejora los resultados de salud y la rentabilidad de los centros médicos. Uno de los enfoques utilizados para mejorar la PX es el diseño centrado ... -
Clasificación de las herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas para proyectos socio-sanitarios
(AEIPRO, 2019)Las herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas nos ayudan a entender mejor al usuario que estamos analizando y así, poder dar soluciones pensadas en el usuario para problemas reales. En el contexto ... -
Gaining patient experience insights: An integrated and multi-levelled framework of information
(Academy for Design Innovation Management (ADIM), 2019)Taking patient experience as a basis, this paper introduces a theoretical framework, to capture insights leading to new technological healthcare solutions. Targeting a recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes ... -
Implementación de la metodología de diseño para montaje DFA-SPDP en un caso de estudio académico en Mondragon Unibertsitatea
(AEIPRO, 2020)Las metodologías de diseño para el montaje DFA ayudan a los diseñadores a considerar el proceso de montaje de un producto desde las fases iniciales del diseño. Las metodologías DFA más extendidas ... -
QoS-aware Metamorphic Testing: An Elevation Case Study
(IEEE, 2020)Elevators are among the oldest and most widespread transportation systems, yet their complexity increases rapidly to satisfy customization demands and to meet quality of service requirements. Verification and validation ... -
Parametric Surface-Based Modelling: A Review of Modelling Strategies and Identification of Future Research
(CAD Solutions LLC, 2020) -
Finite Element Prediction of the Tool Wear Influence in Ti6Al4V Machining
(Elsevier, 2015)Ti6Al4 V is a titanium alloy widely used in the aeronautical industry and machining is often adopted to manufacture it. These parts must satisfy requirements specified by the customer. A crucial characteristic of aircraft ... -
Towards a Taxonomy for Eliciting Design-Operation Continuum Requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems
(IEEE, 2020)Software systems that are embedded in autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) usually have a large life-cycle, both during its development and in maintenance. This software evolves during its life-cycle in order to ...