Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza: Recent submissions
Now showing items 261-280 of 398
Influencia de la frecuencia respiratoria inducida en los valores HRV
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País VascoEuskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2017)The study of Place Cells, hippocampal neurons tuned to spatial locations in the environment, is central to elucidate how the brain encodes and retrieves spatial information. Advances in genetic and imaging technologies ... -
A Data-Driven Health Assessment Method for Electromechanical Actuation Systems
(Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2016)The design of health assessment applications for the electromechanical actuation system of the aircraft is a challenging task. Physics-of-failure models involve non-linear complex equations which are further complicated ... -
Evaluating embedded relational databases for large model persistence and query
(Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2016)Large models are increasingly used in Model Driven Development. Different studies have proved that XMI (default persistence in Eclipse Modelling Framework) has some limitations when operating with large models. To overcome ... -
Kernel hautapen dinamikoa Optimizazio Bayesiarrean
(UEU, 2015)In Bayesian Optimization, when using a Gaussian Process prior, some kernels adapt better than others to the objective function. This research evaluates the possibility of dynamically changing the kernel function based on ... -
Etxean jakiak hobeto aprobetxatzeko produktu berri baten diseinua : esperientzien diseinua ardatz hartuta
(UEU, 2015)The experiences are becoming the new owners of the economic value, due to the new socioeconomic context. More and more companies are using experience driven methodologies in order to get a better understanding of the ... -
Sistema Ziber-Fisiko Aldakorrak : analisia, kudeaketa eta simulazioa
(UEU, 2015)Cyber-Physical Systems integrate digital cyber technologies with complex physical systems. These systems are taking importance in our dayly lives and their variability is considerably increasing to give response to di erent ... -
Garraio propietateak nahasketa hirutarretan
(UEU, 2015) -
Geruzatzerik gabeko berun-azido bateriak
(UEU, 2015) -
Makina Elektrikoen Portaera Bibroakustikoaren Neurketa eta Simulazioa
(UEU, 2015)Noise and vibration of electrical machines is a major concern. Changes in the machine design to improve its ef f iciency can lead to unacceptable vibrations. Tools to predict its vibratory and acoustic performance at the ... -
EIEH: Industriako interakzio digitalak diseinatzeko erraminta berria
(UEU, 2017)In recent years, due to the socio-economic development, the wishes of the society have been changing. Nowadays, instead of material goods, the society is looking for emotional and social goods. As a consequence, the market ... -
Neutroi-tekniketarako egokia den lehenengo berun-azido bateriaren diseinua eta optimizazioa
(UEU, 2017)Lead-acid batteries have consistently accounted for the largest market share of secondary batteries. However, there is still significant opportunity for improvement of lead-acid battery technology. Typically, lead-acid ... -
Biziraupen Estimazio Modeloa Garraio Astuneko Aplikazioetan Erabiltzen Diren Superkondentsadoreentzako
(UEU, 2019)Due to the high pollution levels, in the last few years the need of improving the efficiency of the transportation sector has increased. In this context, transport applications powered by electric storage systems emerge ... -
The district energy-efficient retrofitting of Torrelago (Laguna de Duero - Spain)
(IOP Publishing, 2019)The urban growth is estimated to reach up the 66 % by 2050 and consequently the need of resources within the cities will increase significantly. This, combined with the 40 % of energy consumption and 36 % of CO2 emissions ... -
Evaluation of different flow stress laws coupled with a physical based ductile failure criterion for the modelling of the chip formation process of Ti-6Al-4V under broaching conditions
(Elsevier, 2019)During the machining of Ti-6Al-4V the changing deformation mechanisms produce a complex microstructure of segmented chips, which directly influenced tool-wear and process stability. Numerical simulation could give an insight ... -
Runtime Contracts Checker: Increasing Robustness of Component-Based Software Systems
(IOP Publishing, 2019)Software Systems are becoming increasingly complex leading to new Validation &Verification challenges. Model checking and testing techniques are used at development time while runtime verification aims to verify that a ... -
Evaluation of the Maturity Level of Continuous Improvement Based on Improvement Routines: A Case Study of SMEs of Capital Goods
(Springer, 2022)This study presents an analysis of implementation and assessment of a frame of reference to adapt and execute an evolutionary continuous improvement process (CIP) in a mature small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) that ... -
CRESCO Framework and Checker: Automatic Generation of Reflective UML State Machine's C++ Code and Checker
(IEEE, 2020)Software Systems are becoming increasingly complex leading to new Validation & Verification challenges. Model checking and testing techniques are used at development time while runtime verification aims to verify that a ... -
Advantages of Arrowhead Framework for the Machine Tooling Industry
(IEEE, 2020)Immersed in the digital era and fully experiencing the changes introduced by the new industrial revolution of the so-called Industry 4.0, there are still many aspects of industrial digitization to resolve. Interoperability ... -
Reuse in safety critical systems : educational use case first experiences
(IEEE, 2014)In order to maintain Europe as world leader in development of safety relevant systems one of the keys would be to join together the European industrial, academic and scientific communities. One of the main industrial ...