Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza: Azken bidalketak
398-tik 41-60 emaitza erakusten
The Line Back Principle as a Means of Optimising Logistical Production Processes: A Case Study of a Household Appliance Manufacturer
(Springer, 2023)This paper shows the application of a process of analysis and optimisation of logistic-productive processes based on the Line Back Principle as applied to a household appliance manufacturing company. The implementation has ... -
Análisis de arquitecturas de potencia parcial para aplicaciones de corriente continua
(2019)En este documento se analizan arquitecturas avanzadas de convertidores DC-DC que buscan reducir la potencia a manejar por estos mismos. Para ello, en primer lugar, se describen las ventajas y desventajas que presentan este ... -
Dimensionamiento de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos con Almacenamiento Híbrido
(2019)Los sistemas fotovoltaicos aislados de la red eléctrica están generalmente compuestos por una agrupación de paneles fotovoltaicos, un elemento de almacenamiento como baterías, un convertidor DC-DC que actúa como cargador ... -
Análisis Experimental del Efecto de la Temperatura y la Tensión de Carga para la Optimización Energética de Sistemas de Almacenamiento de Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas Aisladas
(2017)El presente artículo trata de optimizar el uso de las baterías en instalaciones fotovoltaicas aisladas. Por un lado se trata de aprovechar al máximo la energía almacenada a la vez que se estudian los factores que afectan ... -
Análisis comparativo de la rigidez de uniones viga-columna en estanterías metálicas
(UNED, 2018)Las estanterías metálicas de almacenaje industrial son estructuras portantes compuestas principalmente por puntales y largueros, los cuales se conectan entre ellos mediante uniones. La rigidez de las uniones determina la ... -
Application of the industry 4.0 maturity model to industrial SME: 6 case studies
(Springer, 2024)The development of Industry 4.0 in industrial companies has led to the integration of physical objects, people, and smart machines in the production lines in the pursuit of efficient production processes with high added ... -
Model for measuring the degree of leanness of a company that manufactures equipment for the hotel, catering, and laundry sectors
(Springer, 2024)Many companies have implemented various operational strategies to enhance their competitiveness, and one approach that has demonstrated significant success is lean manufacturing. Nevertheless, only a limited number of ... -
Edge-Cloud Based EMS for Distributed ESS Integration in Smart Grids
(IEEE, 2024)The ongoing energy transition is driving the transformation of the traditional centralized electric system into a decentralized one, integrating distributed energy resources (DERs) along the grid. This paper presents a ... -
Performance comparison of IEEE 802.11p and LTE-V2X through field-tests and simulations
(IEEE, 2024)Vehicular communication is a key enabler in making Automated Vehicles (AVs) collaborate by sharing information, which complements on-board sensor information and facilitates precise vehicle control. This paper presents a ... -
Immersive learning in agriculture: XR design of robotic milk production processes
(Design Society, 2024)During the confinement of COVID-19, learning about virtual and augmented reality grew exponentially; universities were the accelerators of this knowledge. Distance learning was the trigger to consolidate emerging technologies ... -
Leveraging Digital Twins and SIEM Integration for Incident Response in OT Environments
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has digitally transformed industrial processes albeit at the expense of increasing exposure to new security threats. System Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, typically ... -
Socially Assistive Robots to aid learning of Reading Skills in Children with Dyslexia (poster)
(2022)Socially Assistive Robots are creating a revolution in today's era. They are being used in fields like healthcare, education, entertainment, services and more. In ‘Children with Special Needs’, robot-teacher combination ... -
Effect of Cutting Conditions on Surface Integrity when Robotic Drilling of Aluminum 6082-GFRP Stacks
(Elsevier, 2024)Six-axis robots are increasingly employed in manufacturing due to their excellent volume on cost ratio and extensive reach, facilitating the machining of large components, including those made of composites. However, this ... -
Analytical model to identify crack initiation in machined aluminium parts
(Elsevier, 2024)Thin-walled aluminium components used in the structure of aircrafts are subjected to fatigue loads. Fatigue performance of those components is affected by the surface integrity generated in the last machining step. This ... -
Monitorización de estado de la herramienta en mecanizado mediante redes neuronales residuales robustas
(Cluster for Advanced & Digital Manufacturing, 2023)La monitorización del estado de la herramienta (TCM) tiene como objetivo mejorar la eficiencia del proceso, la calidad y los costos de mantenimiento de las herramientas mediante la supervisión de variables críticas como ... -
Paneles fabricados mediante curado UV de prepregs fuera de autoclave reforzados con perfiles de pultrusión UV
(Scipedia, 2023)Los materiales compuestos, gracias a sus elevadas propiedades específicas, buena resistencia a la corrosión y libertad de diseño, están en la agenda estratégica de muchos sectores de gran valor añadido como la aeronáutica, ... -
Case study in Health industry for early stage innovation
(2015)This paper outlines a Technology Foresight (TF) process, an ICT platform to support it and their validation in a case study. TF is a systematic and participative process, based on the accumulation of intelligence which ... -
An Interactive Game-based Learning Framework with a Social Robot to Promote Well-being of Dyslexic Children
(2023)This paper presents the preliminary design and development of a generalized Child-Robot-Interaction framework involving interactive game-play between the socially assistive robot NAO and children with varying types of ... -
Experimental evaluation of the maximal force before debonding a part from the build platform of an AM printer
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)Hybrid manufacturing relies on the combination of different processes to overcome their own limitations. Combining additive manufacturing such as material extrusion (MEX) and subtractive conventional processes such as ... -
Numerical simulation of milling operations on flexible composite parts
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) are a widely used and growing material in industry, thanks to their excellent mechanical properties. Manufactured FRPs parts usually have thin walls. These parts also require finishing ...