Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza: Azken bidalketak
398-tik 21-40 emaitza erakusten
Non-Isolated Partial Power Converter for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations
(IEEE, 2020)In the present paper a partial power converter is proposed for an electric vehicle fast charging station. The main advantage of this type of converter is that it only processes a reduced percentage of the power consumed ... -
Comparison of impedance spectroscopy and partial discharge analysis as insulation health diagnosis techniques
(IEEE, 2024)The ageing of insulation systems in electric machines can compromise partial discharge-free designs. Regularly monitoring insulation health is crucial to prevent unexpected failures. Several authors have proposed health ... -
OptiTwin: Data-Driven Machining Process Optimization Platform for SMEs
(IEEE, 2024)The manufacturing industry is constantly seeking innovative solutions to optimize machining processes. However, there is a lack of efficient digital platforms that fully meet the flexibility, service composition, and ... -
Summer School on Circular Economy for Sustainable Manufacturing: A Case Study and Lessons Learned
(Elsevier, 2024)The Circular Economy Action Plan is the main building block of the European Green Deal, Europe's new agenda for sustainable growth. Businesses need new technologies, new methods and new industrial organization either to ... -
Experimental-Based model for Turn-to-Turn PDIV Prediction Dependent on Temperature
(IEEE, 2024)Turn-to-turn insulation partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV) plays a crucial role in the design of the insulation system of inverter-fed motors for the automotive sector. This paper presents a turn-to-turn PDIV ... -
ABLA: an algorithm for repairing structure-based locators through attribute annotations
(Springer Nature, 2020)The growth of the web has been unstoppable in the last decade, which leads to an increasing demand for extracting information from it. Apart from the need to extract information, this growth also has brought the necessity ... -
Integration of Silicon Carbide devices to increase the AEP (Annual Energy Production) in a PM based wind generation system
(IEEE, 2020)A radical energetic change is needed nowadays and enhancing renewable energies should play a main role. For its superior performance and lower losses, SiC devices are identified as a potential technology to improve wind ... -
Towards a Probabilistic Fusion Approach for Robust Battery Prognostics
(PHM Society, 2024)Batteries are a key enabling technology for the decarbonization of transport and energy sectors. The safe and reliable operation of batteries is crucial for battery-powered systems. In this direction, the development of ... -
INKLUDIRE: Clasificación y validación de directrices para el Diseño Inclusivo de productos de consumo
(AEIPRO, 2024)This article introduces the INKLUDIRE Inclusive Design guidelines, a compilation aimed at facilitating the design of accessible consumer products. Its primary objective is to provide designers with an easily applicable ... -
Habilitando honeypots embebidos de alta interacción mediante emulaciones de firmware
(atlanTTic – Universidade de Vigo, 2023)Los sistemas embebidos aumentan en número y junto con esto también los ataques que los hacen objetivo. Para hacerles frente se ha desarrollado el análisis de firmware y creación de honeypots embebidos. El primero refuerza ... -
Towards a probabilistic error correction approach for improved drone battery health assessment
(Research Publishing, Singapore, 2023)Health monitoring of remote critical infrastructure, such as offshore wind turbines, is complex and expensive. For the offshore energy sector, the accessibility for on-site asset inspection is hampered due to their harsh ... -
Circular Power Electronics: Exploring the Scope and Suitability of Ecodesign Criteria for the Power Electronics Industry
(Fraunhofer IZM, 2024)Renewable energies play a key role in achieving climate neutrality by 2050. However, although their environmental impact is generally lower compared to conventional energy sources, it is crucial to focus attention on the ... -
Towards Affordable RIS Devices: Electromagnetic Simulation and Implementation of Metasurfaces
(IEEE, 2024)Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces can change their reflective response to adapt to changes in the communication channel, where such response is obtained by modifying the reflection coefficient of each of the unit cells ... -
Effects of Recycled Permanent Magnets on Electric Machine and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Performances
(ASME, 2023)Permanent magnet price volatility is an ongoing issue that affects many industrial sectors worldwide, dictating the costs of the final product by a substantial degree. This fluctuation can be attributed to a large ... -
How local ecosystems can support energy communities: insights from Debagoiena Region
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024)Energy communities are increasingly seen as a key lever for the energy transition. However, energy communities need supportive ecosystems to overcome the challenges they face individually. This study explores the development ... -
An Optimal Power-Splitting Strategy for Hybrid Storage Systems
(IEEE, 2024)The wide deployment of inverter-based resources is changing the grid characteristics and demanding rapid changes in the control and operation of power grids. Storage is becoming a key component of this transition, as it ... -
Challenge-Based Learning in Higher Education: Master’s Degree in Logistics and Productive Operations Management from Mondragón University
(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024)Since 2022, Mondragon University has implemented Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) in the teaching and learning process of the Master’s in Logistics and Productive Operations Management (MUDOLP) program. This article describes ... -
Tool surface texturing by shot peening: initial results and lessons learned
(IOP Publishing, 2024)Abrasive and adhesive wear is a major issue in sheet metal forming processes. Although different solutions exist to reduce its impact, there is still room for progress. Surface texturing presents a big potential for ... -
Integración de Carburo de silicio para aumentar el AEP de sistemas de generación eólica basados en DFIG
(2020)Gracias a sus prestaciones superiores en comparación con los semiconductores de silicio actuales, los semiconductores de carburo de silicio suponen una tecnología con potencial para aumentar la producción energética anual ... -
Data-Driven Industrial Human-Machine Interface Temporal Adaptation for Process Optimization
(IEEE, 2020)The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Industrial Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) moved old systems with physical buttons and analogue actuators into adaptive interaction models and context-based self adjusted ...