Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza: Azken bidalketak
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Single Core and Modular Transformer Solutions: a Trade-Off Analysis of Volume, Losses and Temperature Rise
(IEEE, 2022)In this paper, a comparison between single core and modular transformer solutions is made. Basic dimensional relations between volumes, areas and lengths are used to obtain mathematical expression of the power losses and ... -
Novel Analytical Method for Estimating the Junction-to-Top Thermal Resistance of Power MOSFETs
(IEEE, 2022)This papers proposes a new methodology for estimating the thermal resistance from the junction-to-top capsule surface. By placing the transistor in a vertical position, without being soldered to any PCB, and sensing the ... -
Analysis and Implementation of different non-isolated Partial-Power Processing Architectures based on the Cuk Converter
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents the analysis and study of different partial-power processing architectures based on the Cuk converter. Thus, the non-isolated topologies analyzed have been considered operative as voltage source converter ... -
Bidirectional Cuk Converter in Partial-Power Architecture with Current Mode Control for Battery Energy Storage System in Electric Vehicles
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents a partial-power processing architecture intended for an on-board charger. This module is integrated into a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). This model allows us to easily control the charge-discharge ... -
Towards Standardized Manufacturing as a Service through Asset Administration Shell and International Data Spaces Connectors
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents an industrial scenario that simulates a Manufacturing as a Service system for the execution of remote production orders built upon the implementation of emerging Asset Administration Shell (AAS) ... -
Influence of manufacturing tolerances and eccentricities on the unbalanced magnetic pull in permanent magnet synchronous motors
(IEEE, 2020)Eccentricity is an inevitable fault in electric motors and hence its diagnosis is an important topic. Thus, the influence of static and dynamic eccentricities on the harmonics of the frequency spectra of the unbalanced ... -
Influence of Manufacturing Tolerances and Eccentricities on the Electromotive Force in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
(IEEE, 2022)Eccentricity is a common error in electric motors, so its diagnosis is an important issue. Therefore, the effect of static and dynamic eccentricities on the harmonics of the frequency spectra of the voltage of a phase is ... -
Evolutionary generation of metamorphic relations for cyber-physical systems
(ACM, 2022)A problem when testing Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is the difficulty of determining whether a particular system output or behaviour is correct or not. Metamorphic testing alleviates such a problem by reasoning on the ... -
Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer DWPT Time Domain model: xyz position and speed coupling effect
(IEEE, 2022)The paper presents a DWPT system time domain model which considers speed and position (x, y, z) coupling effects. The speed effect compared to static WPT, presents an active behavior that should be considered during the ... -
Benefits of switching from Si to SiC modules with further converter optimization
(IEEE, 2022)SiC semiconductors have better characteristics than Si, improving power electronics converters performances. A prototype that can switch semiconductor technology without changing any other part of the system is built and ... -
On the Cost-Effectiveness of Composite Metamorphic Relations for Testing Deep Learning Systems
(IEEE, 2022)Deep Learning (DL) components are increasing their presence in mission and safety-critical systems, such as autonomous vehicles. The verification process of such systems needs to be rigorous, for which automated solutions ... -
Analytical, FEM and Experimental Study of the Influence of the Airgap Size in Different Types of Ferrite Cores
(IEEE, 2022)This work reviews and compares different airgap reluctance calculation approaches with experimental results, focusing on the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation. The modelling of the airgap reluctance in two dimensions is ... -
System Level Optimization of 5 MW Wind Converter using 3L-NPC Topology in Medium Voltage with 1 . 7 kV IGBT
(IEEE, 2020)Market competitiveness is the main driver in the massive adoption of wind energy, and the optimization of the power converter is crucial for this purpose. Because it has higher efficiency than the two level Voltage Source ... -
Evaluación heurística de la interacción persona-robot en entornos industriales
(AIPO, 2022)En la nueva industria cada vez son más los robots utilizados. Para aprovechar al máximo los beneficios que los robots pueden ofrecer, es necesario generar una interacción fluida y satisfactoria persona-robot, de modo que ... -
Impedance-Based Stability Evaluation of Virtual Synchronous Machine Implementations in Converter Controllers
(IEEE, 2018)This paper presents a stability evaluation of two Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM) implementations in the control of Voltage Source Converters (VSCs): a current-controlled (CCVSM) and a voltage-controlled (VCVSM) version ... -
Analysis of non-uniform circumferential segmentation of magnets to reduce eddy-current losses in SPMSM machines
(IEEE, 2012)Eddy current losses generated in the rotor of the permanent magnet machines may lead to an excessive magnet heating. This can cause full demagnetization of the magnets so it is very important to analyze the losses on them ... -
Multi-Objective Metamorphic Test Case Selection: an Industrial Case Study (Practical Experience Report)
(IEEE, 2022)Metamorphic testing is a technique that has shown great potential to alleviate the test oracle problem by exploiting the relations among the inputs and outputs of different executions of a system. However, this approach ... -
UX-for Smart-PSS: Towards a Context-Aware Framework
(SCITEPRESS, 2022)Smart-product service systems are a business strategy that combines product and service into one value proposition. The user experience of digital services and the smart product can be a clear differentiator among competitors ... -
High-Frequency Modelling of Windings
(IEEE, 2022)Electrical drives consume a great amount of the world’s energy, and this will keep increasing due to the electromobility trend. Hence, the efficiency of electrical drives must be improved to reach sustainability. Silicon ... -
Active Power Optimization of a Turning Process by Cutting Conditions Selection: A Q-Learning Approach
(IEEE, 2022)In the context of Industry 4.0, the optimization of manufacturing processes is a challenge. Although in recent years many of the efforts have been in this direction, there is still improvement opportunities in these ...