Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza: Azken bidalketak
398-tik 101-120 emaitza erakusten
Magnet eddy current loss calculation method for segmentation analysis on permanent magnet machines
(IEEE, 2011)Eddy current losses generated in the rotor of permanent magnet machines may lead to an excessive magnet heating. This can cause the magnets to get fully demagnetized so it is very important to analyze the losses on them. ... -
IKARO: plataforma de benchmarking de algoritmos de fuzzing para sistemas embebidos
(Escola Politècnica Superior (EPS) de la Unversitat de Lleida (UdL), 2021)La presencia de sistemas embebidos conectados aumenta progresivamente representando un desafío el poder actualizar vulnerabilidades una vez han sido desplegados en campo. Por ello, es necesario optimizar la búsqueda de ... -
Experimental verification of the AC resistance effect in Insulated Metal Substrate based Power Converters
(IEEE, 2023)Insulated Metal Substrate (IMS) based power converters are an excellent solution for thermal dissipation of power converters, but they suffer for limited layer options generating parasitic elements specially in High ... -
Feeder mapping and load flow algorithms for LV distribution grids
(IEEE, 2021)With the advent of the electric vehicle, distributed generation and other emerging technologies such as heat pumps, the complexity and uncertainty of LV Distribution Networks (LVDNs) is increasing. Advanced Metering ... -
Comparison between Bernardi’s equation and Heat Flux Sensor measurement as Battery Heat Generation Estimation Method
(2022)The heat generation of an energy storage system is an essential topic when designing a battery pack and its cooling system. Heat generation estimation is used together with thermal models to predict battery temperature in ... -
Li-ion Battery State-of-Charge estimation algorithm with CNN-LSTM and Transfer Learning using synthetic training data
(2022)The development of State-of-Charge (SoC) algorithms for Li-ion batteries involves carrying out different laboratory tests with the money and time that this entails. Furthermore, such laboratory labours must typically be ... -
poliSPAM: Analisis de la eficiencia del spam personalizado utilizando informacion publica de redes sociales
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2012)Las campañas de envío de correos electrónicos no deseados siguen siendo una de las mayores amenazas que afectan a millones de usuarios al día. Si bien los filtros antispam son capaces de detectar y rechazar un número elevado ... -
SURF and MU-SURF descriptor comparison with application in soft-biometric tattoo matching applications
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2012)In this work a comparison of the SURF and MUSURF feature descriptor vectors is made. First, the descriptors’ performance is evaluated using a standard data set of general transformed images. This evaluation consists in ... -
A comparison between continuous and hairpin windings for electric traction drives
(IEEE, 2023)Present change in mobility to vehicle electrification involves highly exigent requirements on product performance and production technologies. In the manufacturing of electric machines, the stator winding is the most ... -
Simulation based IEEE 802.11ad performance assessment in factory workshop
(IEEE, 2023)The IEEE 802.11ad standard exploits the millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum, concretely the license-free frequency band in the 57-71 GHz range. Nowadays, this frequency band is mostly unused for use cases related to communication ... -
Towards an Advanced Artificial Intelligence Architecture through Asset Administration Shell and Industrial Data Spaces
(2023)This article develops an architecture for the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the manufacturing value chain based on standard technologies and data spaces. The standards considered are IEC 63278 “Asset ... -
Análisis de distribución de carga en husillos a bolas para altas cargas mediante modelos de elementos finitos optimizados
(2023)Los husillos a bolas son actuadores electro-mecánicos ampliamente utilizados en máquinas y mecanismos como solución de posicionamiento lineal, caracterizándose por su gran rigidez y capacidad de carga. Estos sistemas han ... -
Evolución de la fatiga superficial en engranajes de acero al carbono
(2023)Los engranajes rectos de aceros de bajo contenido de carbono se utilizan ampliamente en aplicaciones de baja exigencia debido a su bajo costo y simplicidad de fabricación. Uno de los fallos más comunes de estos engranajes ... -
Aumento de la precisión de posicionado de células robóticas en aplicaciones de mecanizado
(2023)En las últimas décadas han incrementado las aplicaciones de los robots industriales aumentando también la demanda en la precisión de posicionado. Sin embargo, los robots industriales se caracterizan por ser muy repetitivos ... -
Tensiones en el pie de acoplamientos dentados abombados que trabajan en aplicaciones con alta desalineación
(2023)Los acoplamientos dentados abombados son componentes mecánicos para transmitir potencia entre ejes en rotación desalineados. Para poder absorber dichas desalineaciones y en especial, la desalineación angular, la geometría ... -
Optimal manufacturing configuration selection: sequential decision making and optimization using reinforcement learning
(Elsevier, 2023)In manufacturing, different costs must be considered when selecting the optimal manufacturing configuration. Costs include manufacturing costs, material costs, labor costs, and overhead costs. Optimal manufacturing ... -
Theoretical analysis of transmission error in rack and pinion systems
(EDP Sciences, 2023)Rack and pinion drive systems are widely used in machine tools with long travel distances because the stiffness is independent of the travelled distance, in contrast to other drive systems such as ballscrews. Although the ... -
The importance of a human-centered approach in public participation to develop citizen-oriented smart neighborhoods
(AEIPRO, 2023)In order to be truly citizen-oriented, a smart city must be constantly looking for ways to meet the needs of its citizens, highlighting their value as urban solution developers. In order to truly meet the needs of citizens, ... -
Development and validation of Human-Robot Experience (HUROX) questionnaire for industrial collaborative contexts
(AEIPRO, 2023)An increasing number of robots are being implemented in Industry 5.0, which aims to put the well-being of the operators at the centre. From a human-centred design perspective, it is crucial to assess the perception and ...