Zerrendatu Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza honen arabera: izenburua
398-tik 1-20 emaitza erakusten
50 kW Partial Power Converter for EV Charging
(IEEE, 2024)This paper presents the design and assembly of a 50 kW dual active bridge partial power converter. Due to the reduction in the power processed by the converter, the maximum power observed by the converter is set to 4.7 kW. ... -
Abiadura handiko entseguak egiteko forjaketa-mailu baten garapena
(UEU, 2021)Hammer forging is a widely employed manufacturing process to produce parts with excellent mechanical properties. In order to achieve an optimal process design, finite element modelling is broadly utilized in industry and ... -
ABLA: an algorithm for repairing structure-based locators through attribute annotations
(Springer Nature, 2020)The growth of the web has been unstoppable in the last decade, which leads to an increasing demand for extracting information from it. Apart from the need to extract information, this growth also has brought the necessity ... -
Accurate drawbead modeling in stamping simulations
(IOP Publishing, 2016)An adaptive line bead model that continually updates according to the changing conditions during the forming process has been developed. In these calculations, the adaptive line bead's geometry is treated as a 3D object ... -
An Accurate Shock Advise Algorithm for Use During Piston-Driven Chest Compressions
(IEEE, 2018)Mechanically delivered chest compressions induce artifacts in the ECG that can lead to an incorrect diagnosis of the shock advice algorithms implemented in the defibrillators. This forces the rescuer to stop cardiopulmonary ... -
Active Power Optimization of a Turning Process by Cutting Conditions Selection: A Q-Learning Approach
(IEEE, 2022)In the context of Industry 4.0, the optimization of manufacturing processes is a challenge. Although in recent years many of the efforts have been in this direction, there is still improvement opportunities in these ... -
An ad-hoc fretting wear tribotester design for thin steel wires
(EDP Sciences, 2018)Steel wire ropes experience fretting wear damage when the rope runs over a sheave promoting an oscillatory motion between the wires. Consequently, wear scars appear between the contacting wires leading to an ... -
ADAPT: an Automatic Diagnosis of Activity and Processes in auTomation environments
(IEEE, 2020)In an automated industrial environment, a large volume of data and signals is available, both from sensors and actuators in machinery and from the interaction with operators and users. Operation diagnosis can have multiple ... -
Addressing the Patient Experience through Human-Centred Design: A Scoping Review
(Ubiquity Press, 2023) -
Advantages of Arrowhead Framework for the Machine Tooling Industry
(IEEE, 2020)Immersed in the digital era and fully experiencing the changes introduced by the new industrial revolution of the so-called Industry 4.0, there are still many aspects of industrial digitization to resolve. Interoperability ... -
Aesthetic interaction consistency: exploring the foundation for static and dynamic aesthetics
(The Design Society, 2018)Aesthetics is a powerful means for creating consistency across a product range. During the design process consistency is subject to risk. The existing tools do not integrate static as well as dynamic approaches. This paper ... -
Aging effects on resting state networks after an emotional memory task
(Ediciones VISILAB, 2018)Aging is one of the primary health concerns in nowadays world, being memory decline an important worry that affects daily functioning of healthy adults. This work presents a study of this kind of decline in normal aging, ... -
Aleatorización de direcciones IP para mitigar ataques de reconocimiento de forma proactiva en sistemas de control industrial
(Tecnalia. Incibe, 2022)Los sistemas de control industrial se utilizan en una gran variedad de procesos físicos, incluidas las infraestructuras críticas, convirtiéndose en el principal objetivo de múltiples ataques de seguridad. Un ataque ... -
Alternative Approach Based on Bézier Curves to Model Core Losses With the Composite iGSE Method
(IEEE, 2024)This work addresses limitations of the composite improved generalized Steinmetz equation for core loss calculation and presents a more robust definition of the losses. First, the limitations due to extrapolation of the ... -
Analysis and Implementation of different non-isolated Partial-Power Processing Architectures based on the Cuk Converter
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents the analysis and study of different partial-power processing architectures based on the Cuk converter. Thus, the non-isolated topologies analyzed have been considered operative as voltage source converter ... -
Analysis of axial crushing behaviour of unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester composites manufactured by out of die ultraviolet cured pultrusion
(2018)This paper analyses the axial crushing behaviour and flexural properties of novel unsaturated polyester (UP) and vinyl ester (VE) composites, manufactured by out of die ultraviolet (UV) cured pultrusion. The relation between ... -
Analysis of different inhibitors for magnesium investment casting
(IOP Publishing, 2011)Investment casting of magnesium is a well suited process for the production of aeronautic and automotive components. But still, this process has not been properly developed. One reason for that are the reactions between ... -
Analysis of Interleaved Input-Parallel Output-Parallel Dual-Active-Bridge Converter for More Electric Aircraft
(IEEE, 2021)Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) converter is one of the most proposed topologies when considering DC/DC bidirectional isolated power conversion. In these applications, the power density of the converter is one of the main ... -
Analysis of Multiphase Permanent Magnet Motors via Space-Harmonic Model
(IEEE, 2024)Multiphase permanent magnet motors are gaining popularity thanks to their advantages, which include reduced torque ripple, enhanced torque capability, and fault tolerance. However, their modelling and control is more ... -
Analysis of non-uniform circumferential segmentation of magnets to reduce eddy-current losses in SPMSM machines
(IEEE, 2012)Eddy current losses generated in the rotor of the permanent magnet machines may lead to an excessive magnet heating. This can cause full demagnetization of the magnets so it is very important to analyze the losses on them ...