Browsing Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza by Research Group "Mecánica de fluidos"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Bemrosetta: An open-source hydrodynamic coefficients converter and viewer integrated with Nemoh and Foamm
(EWTEC, 2021)Boundary Element Method (BEM) solvers are extensively used to obtain the hydrodynamic coefficients required to model hydrodynamic forces in oating marine structures. BEM solvers require the discretization of the submerged ... -
Building an Air Turbine Conditional Anomaly Detection Approach for Wave Power Plants
(2021)The Mutriku Wave Power Plant (WPP) is a wave energy conversion plant based on the oscillating water column technology (OWC). The energy production and the health state of the plant are directly dependent on the sea-state ... -
Code-to-code nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling verification for wave energy converters: Wec-sim vs. nlfk4all
(EWTEC, 2021)In the wave energy conversion field, simulation tools are crucial for effective converter and controller design, but are often prone to become very casespecific, in both structure and parameter selection. This is due to ... -
Fluido magnetikoen portaera magneto-reologiko eta biskoelastikoa
(Mondragon Unibertsitateko Zerbitzu Editoriala, 2012)Fluido magnetikoak likido eramaile eta partikula magnetikoez daude osatuta, eta beraien portaera aplikatutako eremu magnetikoaren menpekoa da. Lan honetan, olio mineralez, sufaktante batez, likatzaile batez eta partikula ... -
Garraio propietateak nahasketa hirutarretan
(UEU, 2015) -
Industria eolikoko palen efizientzia aerodinamikoaren azterketa esperimentala baldintza ideal eta errealetan
(UEU, 2021)The paradigm of renewable energies brings a number of challenges to be solved in a short-term period. In the case of wind energy, it turns necessary to relocate onshore wind-farms in both offshore coastal regions and urban ... -
Numerical Fretting© Wear Simulation of Deep Groove Ball Bearing Under Radial Variable Load
(Springer, 2022)Bearing has become one of the most widely used mechanical components over the world. Even this component has been extensively studied, there exist especial applications or untypical operating conditions that still must be ... -
PEM motako erregai-pilen zenbakizko analisia eta balioztatze esperimentala
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2023)Gaur egungo aldaketa klimatikoa dela medio, energia elektrikoa lortzeko alternatiba berri ugari sortzen ari dira. Horien artean erregai-pilek abantaila suposatzen dute hainbat esparrutan. Ikerketa honetan gaur egun garapen ... -
Vacuum packaging and semipassive chips for wireless temperature monitoring in industrial applications
(2017)This paper describes a smart system to monitor high temperature in industrial applications. The solution includes a semipassive microchip which allows logging data and wireless reading. Protection for the electronics against ...