Listar Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza por grupo de investigación "Centro de Innovación en Diseño"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 42
Addressing the Patient Experience through Human-Centred Design: A Scoping Review
(Ubiquity Press, 2023) -
Aesthetic interaction consistency: exploring the foundation for static and dynamic aesthetics
(The Design Society, 2018)Aesthetics is a powerful means for creating consistency across a product range. During the design process consistency is subject to risk. The existing tools do not integrate static as well as dynamic approaches. This paper ... -
Análisis bibliométrico de herramientas de evaluación de la accesibilidad de las interfaces de los productos de consumo
(AEIPRO, 2021)With the aging of the population the design of products whose interfaces are accessible becomes necessary. In this way as many people as possible could interact with the products. Inclusive Design works with this approach ... -
Análisis crítico de las normas para un diseño accesible de productos de consumo
(AEIPRO, 2021)The world's population is aging. In turn, the older we get, the greater the risk of disability due to the decline in physical, sensory and cognitive abilities. In addition, aging is a factor that directly influences people's ... -
Análisis de accesiblidad en interfaces de lavadoras
(AEIPRO, 2019)The interaction with consume products has been changing due to the development of the technology, which often turns out to be a barrier rather than an opportunity for people with disabilities. Appliances in general and ... -
Clasificación de las herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas para proyectos socio-sanitarios
(AEIPRO, 2019)Las herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas nos ayudan a entender mejor al usuario que estamos analizando y así, poder dar soluciones pensadas en el usuario para problemas reales. En el contexto ... -
Collaborative Synergy in Industry: Exploring Human-Robot Interaction and Cognitive Robotics
(AEIPRO, 2024)In the new era of Industry, characterized by transformative technological shifts, robots have become integral to manufacturing. This paper delves into human-robot interaction (HRI), specifically emphasizing human-robot ... -
Consideraciones para el uso de interfaces multimodales en entornos sensibles: caso de estudio en el cuidado de las personas mayores
(Interacción 2024, 2024)Este estudio se centra en mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión interna de un centro gerontológico a través de interfaces multimodales, con el propósito de ganar tiempo de valor y fomentar el modelo de la Atención Centrada ... -
Desarrollo de relaciones interempresariales de colaboración: el caso de una empresa de componentes de automoción
(AEIPRO, 2019)The competitiveness of companies depends to a large extent on the ability to respond to the needs of their customers. These needs are increasingly demanding and complex to resolve, translating to the rest of the agents in ... -
Development and validation of Human-Robot Experience (HUROX) questionnaire for industrial collaborative contexts
(AEIPRO, 2023)An increasing number of robots are being implemented in Industry 5.0, which aims to put the well-being of the operators at the centre. From a human-centred design perspective, it is crucial to assess the perception and ... -
DFA-LC: metodología de diseño para el montaje considerando el ciclo de vida del producto
(AEIPRO, 2019)Las metodologías Design for Assembly (DFA) ayudan al diseñador a tener en cuenta el proceso de montaje durante las fases de desarrollo de un producto (especificaciones, diseño conceptual y diseño en detalle), de esta forma ... -
Diseño como habilitador para el cambio: modelo para la medición del impacto del diseño en empresas de servicios
(AEIPRO, 2021)Design is a human centred creative approach that transforms and improves organizational capabilities for innovation and strategic decision-making. The aim of this research is to identify the impact of design, in particular ... -
EIEH: Industriako interakzio digitalak diseinatzeko erraminta berria
(UEU, 2017)In recent years, due to the socio-economic development, the wishes of the society have been changing. Nowadays, instead of material goods, the society is looking for emotional and social goods. As a consequence, the market ... -
Evaluación de la experiencia de uso de un entorno robótico industrial en realidad virtual
(AEIPRO, 2022)Industry 4.0 is leading to a whole new level of process automation, thus redefining the role of humans, and altering existing jobs in yet unknown ways. Although the number of robots in the manufacturing industry has been ... -
Evaluación heurística de la interacción persona-robot en entornos industriales
(AIPO, 2022)En la nueva industria cada vez son más los robots utilizados. Para aprovechar al máximo los beneficios que los robots pueden ofrecer, es necesario generar una interacción fluida y satisfactoria persona-robot, de modo que ... -
Evaluating inclusivity using quantitative personas
(Design Research Society DRS, 2018)Exclusion assessment is a powerful method for assessing inclusivity in a quantitative way. However, its focus on capability data makes it difficult to consider the effect of other factors such as different ways of using a ... -
Exploring the transformation of user interactions to Adaptive Human-Machine Interfaces
(ACM, 2023)Human-machine interfaces (HMI) facilitate communication between humans and machines, and their importance has increased in modern technology. However, traditional HMIs are often static and do not adapt to individual user ... -
Gaining patient experience insights: An integrated and multi-levelled framework of information
(Academy for Design Innovation Management (ADIM), 2019)Taking patient experience as a basis, this paper introduces a theoretical framework, to capture insights leading to new technological healthcare solutions. Targeting a recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes ... -
Geometric Variability in Parametric 3D Models: Implications for Engineering Design
(Elsevier, 2022)Modern manufacturing companies operate in environments characterized by increasingly shorter development cycles and the need to develop highly customizable products at competitive prices. In this paper, we examine the role ...