Listar Kongresuak-Ingeniaritza por grupo de investigación "Análisis de datos y ciberseguridad"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 35
Active Power Optimization of a Turning Process by Cutting Conditions Selection: A Q-Learning Approach
(IEEE, 2022)In the context of Industry 4.0, the optimization of manufacturing processes is a challenge. Although in recent years many of the efforts have been in this direction, there is still improvement opportunities in these ... -
Aleatorización de direcciones IP para mitigar ataques de reconocimiento de forma proactiva en sistemas de control industrial
(Tecnalia. Incibe, 2022)Los sistemas de control industrial se utilizan en una gran variedad de procesos físicos, incluidas las infraestructuras críticas, convirtiéndose en el principal objetivo de múltiples ataques de seguridad. Un ataque ... -
A collaborative framework for android malware detection using DNS & dynamic analysis
(IEEE, 2018)Nowadays, with the predominance of smart devices such as smartphones, mobile malware attacks have increasingly proliferated. There is an urgent need of detecting potential malicious behaviors so as to hinder them. Furthermore, ... -
Combined data mining approach for intrusion detection
(Scitepress, 2007)This paper presents the results of the project MIAU, a data mining approach for intrusion detection alert correlation. MIAU combines different data mining techniques in order to properly solve some existing problems in the ... -
Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance
(IEEE, 2016)The aim of the MANTIS project is to provide a proactive maintenance service platform architecture based on Cyber Physical Systems. The platform will allow estimating future performance, predicting and preventing imminent ... -
Data-Driven Industrial Human-Machine Interface Temporal Adaptation for Process Optimization
(IEEE, 2020)The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Industrial Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) moved old systems with physical buttons and analogue actuators into adaptive interaction models and context-based self adjusted ... -
Dialogue based management of user feedback in an autonomous preference learning system
(Scitepress, 2010)We present an enhanced method for user feedback in an autonomous learning system that includes a spoken dialogue system to manage the interactions between the users and the system. By means of a rule-based natural language ... -
Dynamic DNS Request Monitoring of Android Applications via networking
(IEEE, 2018)Smart devices are very popular and are becoming ubiquitous in the modern society, with Android OS as the most widespread operating system on current smartphones/tablets. However, malicious applications is one of the major ... -
Estudio de modelado de perifericos para habilitar emulaciones de firmware embebido
(Tecnalia. Incibe, 2022)Los sistemas embebidos aumentan cada vez más en número y con ello también lo hacen los ataques dirigidos a estos. Uno de los factores clave para reducir la superficie de ataque es descubrir y corregir vulnerabilidades en ... -
Federated Explainability for Network Anomaly Characterization
(ACM, 2023)Machine learning (ML) based systems have shown promising results for intrusion detection due to their ability to learn complex patterns. In particular, unsupervised anomaly detection approaches offer practical advantages ... -
Guardianes de la Galaxia: concienciación en Ciberseguridad
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)En este artículo se presenta una iniciativa de formación denominada “Guardianes de la Galaxia”, orientada a concienciar y formar a los participantes en la identificación, detección y prevención de ciberataques de tipo ... -
Habilitando honeypots embebidos de alta interacción mediante emulaciones de firmware
(atlanTTic – Universidade de Vigo, 2023)Los sistemas embebidos aumentan en número y junto con esto también los ataques que los hacen objetivo. Para hacerles frente se ha desarrollado el análisis de firmware y creación de honeypots embebidos. El primero refuerza ... -
How to Quantify the Security Level of Embedded Systems? A Taxonomy of Security Metrics
(IEEE, 2020)Embedded Systems (ES) development has been historically focused on functionality rather than security, and today it still applies in many sectors and applications. However, there is an increasing number of security threats ... -
IKARO: plataforma de benchmarking de algoritmos de fuzzing para sistemas embebidos
(Escola Politècnica Superior (EPS) de la Unversitat de Lleida (UdL), 2021)La presencia de sistemas embebidos conectados aumenta progresivamente representando un desafío el poder actualizar vulnerabilidades una vez han sido desplegados en campo. Por ello, es necesario optimizar la búsqueda de ... -
Implementation of a Reference Architecture for Cyber Physical Systems to support Condition Based Maintenance
(2018)This paper presents the implementation of a refer-ence architecture for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) to supportCondition Based Maintenance (CBM) of industrial assets. The article focuses on describing how the MANTIS ... -
Interpreting Remaining Useful Life estimations combining Explainable Artificial Intelligence and domain knowledge in industrial machinery
(IEEE, 2020)This paper presents the implementation and explanations of a remaining life estimator model based on machine learning, applied to industrial data. Concretely, the model has been applied to a bushings testbed, where fatigue ... -
Latentziarik gabeko sareko identifikatzaileen aleatorizazioa kontrol industrialerako sistemetan proaktiboki errekonozimendu erasoak mitigatzeko
(UEU, 2023)Kontrol industrialerako sistemak askotariko instalazio industrialetan erabiltzen dira, azpiegitura kritikoetan barne, segurtasun-eraso anitzen helburu nagusi bihurtuz. Sare industrialen konfigurazio eta topologia estatikoek, ... -
Leveraging Digital Twins and SIEM Integration for Incident Response in OT Environments
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has digitally transformed industrial processes albeit at the expense of increasing exposure to new security threats. System Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, typically ... -
Metodología UCAD: Principios para garantizar el desarrollo de soluciones digitales que tienen en cuenta a los usuarios
(AEIPRO, 2017)The so-called Industry 4.0 has caused the introduction of new digital technologies that increase and improve the production and potential of the new intelligent industry. For that, it’s necessary a good communication between ... -
Monitorización longitudinal de la compliancia pulmonar basada en la TIE en pacientes infectados por COVID-19
(Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2021)El COVID-19 es una infección vírica que causa complicaciones en el sistema respiratorio. Los síntomas más comunes sugieren que las tecnologías de imagen médica pueden ofrecer información relevante sobre el diagnóstico, ...