Ikerketa-Kongresuak: Azken bidalketak
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New approaches to integrating emotional aspects in the euristic evaluation of digital solutions
(AEIPRO, 2018)The appearance of new technologies such as Eye-tracking are enabling to collect human-computer interaction related data that until now was unknown. There are alternatives with a larger baggage in the field ... -
La importancia de la relación empresa-universidad en la formación del alumno
(Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2018)The Computer Science Engineering Degree includes an in-companytrainingexperience for students with professional assistance from university. Two pro-grams address this initiative objective is the im-provements ... -
A numerical analysis of multiaxial fatigue in a butt weld specimen considering residual stresses
(EDP Sciences, 2018)Residual Stress (RS) pattern changes considerably depending on the width of the plates and the welding parameters, having effect on the fatigue strength. Most of the standards do not consider them and in some works, yield ... -
On the Feasibility of Distinguishing Between Process Disturbances and Intrusions in Process Control Systems using Multivariate Statistical Process Control
(IEEE, 2016)Process Control Systems (PCSs) are the operat-ing core of Critical Infrastructures (CIs). As such, anomalydetection has been an active research field to ensure CInormal operation. Previous ... -
Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance
(IEEE, 2016)The aim of the MANTIS project is to provide a proactive maintenance service platform architecture based on Cyber Physical Systems. The platform will allow estimating future performance, predicting and preventing imminent ... -
Software Defined Networking Opportunities for Intelligent Security Enhancement of Industrial Control Systems
(Springer International Publishing, 2017)In the last years, cyber security of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) has become an important issue due to the discovery of sophisticated malware that by attacking Critical Infrastructures, could cause catastrophic safety ... -
A Mood Analysis on Youtube Comments and a Method for Improved Social Spam Detection
(Springer, 2018)In the same manner that Online Social Networks (OSN) usage increases, non-legitimate campaigns over these types of web services are growing. This is the reason why signi cant number of users are affected by social spam ... -
Null is Not Always Empty: Monitoring the Null Space for Field-Level Anomaly Detection in Industrial IoT Environments
(IEEE, 2018)Industrial environments have vastly changed sincethe conception of initial primitive and isolated networks. Thecurrent full interconnection paradigm, where connectivity be-tween different devices and the Internet has become ... -
Implementation of a Reference Architecture for Cyber Physical Systems to support Condition Based Maintenance
(2018)This paper presents the implementation of a refer-ence architecture for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) to supportCondition Based Maintenance (CBM) of industrial assets. The article focuses on describing how the MANTIS ... -
Aging effects on resting state networks after an emotional memory task
(Ediciones VISILAB, 2018)Aging is one of the primary health concerns in nowadays world, being memory decline an important worry that affects daily functioning of healthy adults. This work presents a study of this kind of decline in normal aging, ...