Ikerketa-Kongresuak: Azken bidalketak
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Sustainability analysis on Urban Mobility based on Social Media content
(Elsevier B.V., 2017)Urban transport became an important element in the promotion of strategies towards sustainability, in fact one of the challenges posed by booming urban populations is the question of mobility. Traditional travel survey ... -
Web based survey to measuring social interactions, values, attitudes and travel behavior
(Elsevier, 2018)This paper presents the data collection methodology developed for Minerva research project. The aim of Minerva is to study the influence of values, attitudes and social interactions on travel behavior. For this purpose, a ... -
Seeding Strategies for Multi-Objective Test Case Selection: An Application on Simulation-based Testing
(ACM, 2020)The time it takes software systems to be tested is usually long. This is often caused by the time it takes the entire test suite to be executed. To optimize this, regression test selection approaches have allowed for ... -
Development of innovative suspensions for a radio-controlled light racing car. Collaborative project into 3DExperience platform
(SEFI - Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs; Technical University of Denmark, 2018) -
Influence of Surface Finish and Porosity on the Fatigue behaviour of A356 Aluminium Casting Alloy
(EDP Sciences, 2018)In casting parts, due to the manufacturing process, the presence of defects such as porosity, inclusions and oxide films is unavoidable. All these irregularities have a negative effect on the component ... -
Effect of alumina tri-hydrate filler on the mechanical and optical properties of flame-retardant ultraviolet cured vinyl ester composites
(2018)This research study is focused on the effect of alumina tri-hydrate (ATH) filler on the mechanical and optical properties of flame-retardant ultraviolet cured vinyl ester composites. In particular, vinyl ester formulations ... -
Analysis of axial crushing behaviour of unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester composites manufactured by out of die ultraviolet cured pultrusion
(2018)This paper analyses the axial crushing behaviour and flexural properties of novel unsaturated polyester (UP) and vinyl ester (VE) composites, manufactured by out of die ultraviolet (UV) cured pultrusion. The relation between ... -
The Way Cyber Physical Systems Will Revolutionise Maintenance
(CISTER Research Center, 2017)The way maintenance is carried out is altering rapidly. The introduction of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and cloud technologies are providing new technological possibilities that change dramatically the way it is possible ... -
Fluido magnetikoen portaera magneto-reologiko eta biskoelastikoa
(Mondragon Unibertsitateko Zerbitzu Editoriala, 2012)Fluido magnetikoak likido eramaile eta partikula magnetikoez daude osatuta, eta beraien portaera aplikatutako eremu magnetikoaren menpekoa da. Lan honetan, olio mineralez, sufaktante batez, likatzaile batez eta partikula ... -
The use of areal surface topography characterisation in relation to fatigue performance
(EDP Sciences, 2018)Although the effect of surface topography on fatigue life is widely accepted, the underlying role of surface roughness from first principles is still poorly understood. Currently approaches which consider the ... -
Personas for policy-making and healthcare design
(University of Zagreb, 2018)The tool Personas has been used by different research teams to represent diversity among elderly people. This tool has been widely used in the discipline of product and service design and in recent years has spread to other ... -
Hacia un modelo cuantitativo de Personas
(AEIPRO, 2018)La herramienta Personas es una herramienta extendida en el mundo del diseño de producto y el diseño web. En los últimos años nuevas disciplinas como el diseño de servicios y el diseño estratégico han hecho que las herramientas ... -
MDE based IoT Service to enhance the safety of controllers at runtime
(Aachen University, 2019)One of the challenges for complex IoT software systems is toincrease their safety. A Model Driven Development approach helps in the design and development phase of these systems while runtime checkin gtechniques help to ... -
Data-driven Workflow Management by utilising BPMN and CPN in IIoT Systems with the Arrowhead Framework
(IEEE, 2019)Workflow management is realised in manufacturing at the Enterprise- and Production (workstation) levels. The characteristics of business processes in these levels differ enough to prevent the adoption of ... -
Stability and parking cross distance adapter mechanism for electric vehicle
(2017 EAEC European Automotive Congress, 2017)Due to the actual vehicle dimensions, low occupancy rates and the increase of world population, a trend to develop new vehicle concepts with smaller dimensions is seen. The objective of this trend is to reduce traffic ... -
Aesthetic interaction consistency: exploring the foundation for static and dynamic aesthetics
(The Design Society, 2018)Aesthetics is a powerful means for creating consistency across a product range. During the design process consistency is subject to risk. The existing tools do not integrate static as well as dynamic approaches. This paper ... -
Evaluating inclusivity using quantitative personas
(Design Research Society DRS, 2018)Exclusion assessment is a powerful method for assessing inclusivity in a quantitative way. However, its focus on capability data makes it difficult to consider the effect of other factors such as different ways of using a ... -
An ad-hoc fretting wear tribotester design for thin steel wires
(EDP Sciences, 2018)Steel wire ropes experience fretting wear damage when the rope runs over a sheave promoting an oscillatory motion between the wires. Consequently, wear scars appear between the contacting wires leading to an ... -
The influence of adapted interactive environments in current industrial interfaces aceptance
(AEIPRO, 2018)User experience is a growing field of research, which in recent years has gained considerable interest. During the last two decades, various models have been proposed to understand why users accept technologies ... -
Análisis Numérico del Efecto de la Termoforesis para la Separación de Diferentes Poblaciones de Exosomas
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2017)Los sistemas microfluídicos han demostrado ser una alternativa prometedora ante procesos convencionales de separación y caracterización. Este trabajo muestra el estudio numérico del fenómeno de la termoforesis en un ...