Ikerketa-Kongresuak: Recent submissions
Now showing items 401-420 of 450
Gaining patient experience insights: An integrated and multi-levelled framework of information
(Academy for Design Innovation Management (ADIM), 2019)Taking patient experience as a basis, this paper introduces a theoretical framework, to capture insights leading to new technological healthcare solutions. Targeting a recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes ... -
Implementación de la metodología de diseño para montaje DFA-SPDP en un caso de estudio académico en Mondragon Unibertsitatea
(AEIPRO, 2020)Las metodologías de diseño para el montaje DFA ayudan a los diseñadores a considerar el proceso de montaje de un producto desde las fases iniciales del diseño. Las metodologías DFA más extendidas ... -
QoS-aware Metamorphic Testing: An Elevation Case Study
(IEEE, 2020)Elevators are among the oldest and most widespread transportation systems, yet their complexity increases rapidly to satisfy customization demands and to meet quality of service requirements. Verification and validation ... -
Conceptual framework for process-oriented feedback through Learning Analytics Dashboards
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020)The number of students enrolled in online higher education courses is increasing, and as a result, more data on their learning process is being generated. By exploring this student behavior data through learning analytics, ... -
Docencia Basada en las Artes en la formación universitaria del profesorado de los Grados en Educación Infantil y Primaria
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2020)A lo largo de este texto presentamos la programación (fanzine HAT) que un plan de estudios6 posibilitó pensar en una educación artística desde otra perspectiva en la universidad. A partir de una Docencia Basada en las ... -
Parametric Surface-Based Modelling: A Review of Modelling Strategies and Identification of Future Research
(CAD Solutions LLC, 2020) -
Finite Element Prediction of the Tool Wear Influence in Ti6Al4V Machining
(Elsevier, 2015)Ti6Al4 V is a titanium alloy widely used in the aeronautical industry and machining is often adopted to manufacture it. These parts must satisfy requirements specified by the customer. A crucial characteristic of aircraft ... -
Towards a Taxonomy for Eliciting Design-Operation Continuum Requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems
(IEEE, 2020)Software systems that are embedded in autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) usually have a large life-cycle, both during its development and in maintenance. This software evolves during its life-cycle in order to ... -
Mirande eta Gandiaga, sinesmen eredu bi
(Jakin Fundazioa, 2020) -
Pertsona kooperatiboaren profilaren neurketa hezkuntza eta jendarte eraldaketa testuinguruan
(Jakin Fundazioa, 2020) -
Autoeraketaren pentsamendua kapitalismo osteko agertokietara begira
(Jakin Fundazioa, 2020) -
Pertsona burujabea Arizmendiarrietaren asmoan eta egitean
(Jakin Fundazioa, 2020)Arizmendiarrietaren pentsaeran eta jokabidean pertsona burujabea gai zentrala da. Ideia hori ulertzeko argibideak ematen dira, Azurmendik gizakiaren historiaz eta moralaz irakatsitakoak bidelagun hartuta. -
A Big Data Analytical Architecture for the Asset Management
(Elsevier B.V., 2017)The paper highlights the characteristics of data and big data analytics in manufacturing, more specifically for the industrial asset management. The authors highlight important aspects of the analytical system architecture ... -
Runtime observable and adaptable UML state machines: models@run.time approach
(ACM, 2019)n embedded system is a self-contained system that incorporateselements of control logic and real-world interaction. UML State Ma-chines constitute a powerful formalism to model the behaviour ofthese types of systems. In ... -
Finding correlations between tool life and fundamental dry cutting tests in finishing turning of steel
(Elsevier, 2015)Tool life is usually measured by end tool life tests, however, such experiments are costly and time consuming. Establishing correlation between these tests and shorter and cheaper tests is consequently of great interest. ... -
Personalised Trachea Stent Designer: a Knowledge Feature
(Elsevier, 2012)Modelling of anatomical parts is usually tackled through triangulated models with specialised Bio-CAD applications. If features beyond anatomy are required, geometry is usually translated into NURBS geometry for further ... -
Analysis of different inhibitors for magnesium investment casting
(IOP Publishing, 2011)Investment casting of magnesium is a well suited process for the production of aeronautic and automotive components. But still, this process has not been properly developed. One reason for that are the reactions between ... -
Roll levelling semi-analytical model for process optimization
(IOP, 2016)Roll levelling is a primary manufacturing process used to remove residual stresses and imperfections of metal strips in order to make them suitable for subsequent forming operations. In the last years the importance of ... -
Sensitivity analysis on an AC600 aluminum skin component
(IOP, 2016)New materials are been introduced on the car body in order to reduce weight and fulfil the international CO2 emission regulations. Among them, the application of aluminum alloys is increasing for skin panels. Even if these ... -
Vibration attenuation of conductive beams by inducing eddy currents
(IOP, 2016)The increasing requirements for structural vibration control in many industries, require innovative attenuation techniques. In this work, the phenomenon of eddy currents is proposed to reduce the ...