Ikerketa-Kongresuak: Azken bidalketak
450-tik 221-240 emaitza erakusten
Hidrogeno tren baten diseinu eta operazioaren optimizazioa
(UEU, 2021)This paper proposes an optimization methodology based on genetic algorithms for the design and operation of a hydrogen train. Indeed, the proposed approach optimizes the size of the hydrogen fuel cell, the size of the ... -
Emakumearen mututasun soziala: feminitatearen eta maskulinitatearen estereotipoak
(UEU, 2017)Most of the main gender stereotypes that nowadays are still alive can already be discovered in Ancient Greece society. In this paper we will analyze Greek symbolic though using genderperspective. We want to unveil the ... -
Elementu pasiboen eragina frekuentzia altuko bihurgailuetan
(UEU, 2021)Notable technological advancements in power electronics have been made in the last years, such as SiC and GaN based transistors. Still, power converters based on these technologies cannot be fully exploited due to passive ... -
Abiadura handiko entseguak egiteko forjaketa-mailu baten garapena
(UEU, 2021)Hammer forging is a widely employed manufacturing process to produce parts with excellent mechanical properties. In order to achieve an optimal process design, finite element modelling is broadly utilized in industry and ... -
Analysis of Interleaved Input-Parallel Output-Parallel Dual-Active-Bridge Converter for More Electric Aircraft
(IEEE, 2021)Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) converter is one of the most proposed topologies when considering DC/DC bidirectional isolated power conversion. In these applications, the power density of the converter is one of the main ... -
Automating Test Oracle Generation in DevOps for Industrial Elevators
(IEEE, 2022)Orona is a world-renowned elevators developer. During elevators' lives, their software continues to evolve, e.g., due to hardware obsolescence, requirements changes, vulnerabilities, and bug corrections. Such continuous ... -
Aprendizaje de Scrum mediante PBL
(AEIPRO, 2022)Cada año se necesita más de un millón de gestores de proyectos en todo el mundo, haciendo imprescindible que los recién egresados dispongan de conocimientos sólidos y de vanguardia en gestión de proyectos. En el caso de ... -
Node-RED Workflow Manager for Edge Service Orchestration
(IEEE, 2022)Microservice Architectures have increasingly become popular in Industry 4.0 as they allow heterogeneous systems to interact, reduce the complexity in the management of individual components, and support distributed ... -
Impact performance of out of die UV cured pultruded profiles for vessel structures
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2022)Out of die ultraviolet (UV) cured pultrusion is an automated process for manufacturing bent profiles that can replace the labour-intensive processes currently employed for manufacturing stiffeners for vessels structures. ... -
Towards the Isolation of Failure-Inducing Inputs in Cyber-Physical Systems: is Delta Debugging Enough?
(IEEE, 2022)Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) combine digital cyber technologies with parallel physical processes. On the one hand, verification methods of such systems mostly rely on (system level) simulation-based testing. This technique ... -
Simulation of Cold Forging Processes Using a Mixed Isotropic-Kinematik Hardening Model
(Springer, 2021)Cold forging is a manufacturing process where a bar stock is inserted into a die and squeezed with a second closed die. It is one of the most widely used chipless forming processes, often requiring no machining or additional ... -
High-Speed Material Characterization Using an Instrumented Forging Hammer
(Springer, 2021)Hammer forging is a widely employed manufacturing process to produce parts with excellent mechanical properties. Although the rheological behavior and the microstructural transformation phenomena of metals under hammer ... -
Bemrosetta: An open-source hydrodynamic coefficients converter and viewer integrated with Nemoh and Foamm
(EWTEC, 2021)Boundary Element Method (BEM) solvers are extensively used to obtain the hydrodynamic coefficients required to model hydrodynamic forces in oating marine structures. BEM solvers require the discretization of the submerged ... -
Code-to-code nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling verification for wave energy converters: Wec-sim vs. nlfk4all
(EWTEC, 2021)In the wave energy conversion field, simulation tools are crucial for effective converter and controller design, but are often prone to become very casespecific, in both structure and parameter selection. This is due to ... -
Diseño como habilitador para el cambio: modelo para la medición del impacto del diseño en empresas de servicios
(AEIPRO, 2021)Design is a human centred creative approach that transforms and improves organizational capabilities for innovation and strategic decision-making. The aim of this research is to identify the impact of design, in particular ... -
Estudio de modelado de perifericos para habilitar emulaciones de firmware embebido
(Tecnalia. Incibe, 2022)Los sistemas embebidos aumentan cada vez más en número y con ello también lo hacen los ataques dirigidos a estos. Uno de los factores clave para reducir la superficie de ataque es descubrir y corregir vulnerabilidades en ... -
Aleatorización de direcciones IP para mitigar ataques de reconocimiento de forma proactiva en sistemas de control industrial
(Tecnalia. Incibe, 2022)Los sistemas de control industrial se utilizan en una gran variedad de procesos físicos, incluidas las infraestructuras críticas, convirtiéndose en el principal objetivo de múltiples ataques de seguridad. Un ataque ... -
Silicon Application Extension Versus WBG Due to Partial Power Processing
(IEEE, 2022)This paper discusses the new possibilities that partial power processing offers to implement silicon semiconductors compared to wide-bandgap technologies. With this purpose, an on-board charger application is presented as ... -
Revisión Crítica del Uso del Patient Journey Map en el Diseño Centrado en las Personas
(AEIPRO, 2021)Recent studies indicate that a positive Patient eXperience (PX) leads to a faster patient recovery, greater safety and lower costs for the healthcare system. Therefore, PX design is fundamental for hospitals service delivery. ... -
Análisis bibliométrico de herramientas de evaluación de la accesibilidad de las interfaces de los productos de consumo
(AEIPRO, 2021)With the aging of the population the design of products whose interfaces are accessible becomes necessary. In this way as many people as possible could interact with the products. Inclusive Design works with this approach ...