Ikerketa-Kongresuak: Azken bidalketak
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Uncertainty Analysis of Two Gas Measurement DGA Ratios for Improved Diagnostics Applications
(IEEE, 2022)This paper formulates the exact analytical probability density function (PDF) for the ratio of two independent dissolved gas analysis (DGA) measurements that include individual gas measurement errors. It is demonstrated ... -
Impact of silicon carbide devices in 2 MW DFIG based wind energy system
(IEEE, 2020)Renewable energies are going through a major increment, mainly wind and photovoltaic energies, being market competitiveness the main driver for their massive penetration. As power converters are used to interface renewable ... -
La contribución de la Universidad a las necesidades para la innovación de las instituciones educativas
(Asociación Multidisciplinar de Investigación Educativa (AMIE), 2022)Los objetivos del presente estudio consistieron en identificar las necesidades de las instituciones educativas para promover la innovación y en examinar cómo podría contribuir la universidad a responder a las mismas. Se ... -
Implantación colectiva de la clase invertida en el grado de informática
(AENUI, 2022)La educación ha sufrido una gran transformación en las últimas décadas. El alumnado de hoy en día está formado por nativos digitales y la educación tradicional les parece aburrida. Por este motivo, los docentes tratan de ... -
Dynamic DNS Request Monitoring of Android Applications via networking
(IEEE, 2018)Smart devices are very popular and are becoming ubiquitous in the modern society, with Android OS as the most widespread operating system on current smartphones/tablets. However, malicious applications is one of the major ... -
Optimising Maintenance: What are the expectations for Cyber Physical Systems
(IEEE, 2016)The need for maintenance is based on the wear of components of machinery. If this need can be defined reliably beforehand so that no unpredicted failures take place then the maintenance actions can be carried out economically ... -
A collaborative framework for android malware detection using DNS & dynamic analysis
(IEEE, 2018)Nowadays, with the predominance of smart devices such as smartphones, mobile malware attacks have increasingly proliferated. There is an urgent need of detecting potential malicious behaviors so as to hinder them. Furthermore, ... -
Reputation-based intrusion detection system for wireless sensor networks
(IEEE, 2012)Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be used in a broad range of applications from complex military operations to simple domestic environments. This makes security a vital characteristic in WSNs. There have been numerous ... -
Labor Induction failure prediction using Gabor filterbanks and Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns
(IEEE, 2018)Labor induction is defined as the artificial stimulation of uterine contractions aimed to induce vaginal birth. Occurring in about 20% of pregnancies labor induction has become one the most commonly practiced procedures ... -
Labor Induction failure prediction based on B-Mode Ultrasound Image Processing using Multiscale Local Binary Patterns
(IEEE, 2016)Labor induction is defined as the artificial onset of labor for the purpose of vaginal birth. Cesarean section is one of the potential risks of labor induction as it occurs in about 20% of the inductions. A ripe cervix ... -
Model driven Hardware-in-the-Loop Fault analysis of railway traction systems
(IEEE, 2017)Classical Dependability Analysis techniques, such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis, have been used during the last decades to demonstrate the reliability, availability, maintainability ... -
Automatic detection test of current sensor faults for induction motor drives at standstill
(IEEE, 2016)This paper proposes an automatic detection test of gain faults in current sensors. An offline test is applied when the machine is not operating. The designed test operates at standstill without being necessary to disconnect ... -
An Interoperable EMS for the Provision of Grid Services with Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
(IEEE, 2022)This paper proposes an interoperable energy management system (EMS) for grid-connected HESSs, enabling the provision of ancillary services to the grid. Power systems are evolving towards a more renewable and decentralised ... -
Single Core and Modular Transformer Solutions: a Trade-Off Analysis of Volume, Losses and Temperature Rise
(IEEE, 2022)In this paper, a comparison between single core and modular transformer solutions is made. Basic dimensional relations between volumes, areas and lengths are used to obtain mathematical expression of the power losses and ... -
Novel Analytical Method for Estimating the Junction-to-Top Thermal Resistance of Power MOSFETs
(IEEE, 2022)This papers proposes a new methodology for estimating the thermal resistance from the junction-to-top capsule surface. By placing the transistor in a vertical position, without being soldered to any PCB, and sensing the ... -
Analysis and Implementation of different non-isolated Partial-Power Processing Architectures based on the Cuk Converter
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents the analysis and study of different partial-power processing architectures based on the Cuk converter. Thus, the non-isolated topologies analyzed have been considered operative as voltage source converter ... -
Bidirectional Cuk Converter in Partial-Power Architecture with Current Mode Control for Battery Energy Storage System in Electric Vehicles
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents a partial-power processing architecture intended for an on-board charger. This module is integrated into a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). This model allows us to easily control the charge-discharge ... -
Towards Standardized Manufacturing as a Service through Asset Administration Shell and International Data Spaces Connectors
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents an industrial scenario that simulates a Manufacturing as a Service system for the execution of remote production orders built upon the implementation of emerging Asset Administration Shell (AAS) ... -
Influence of manufacturing tolerances and eccentricities on the unbalanced magnetic pull in permanent magnet synchronous motors
(IEEE, 2020)Eccentricity is an inevitable fault in electric motors and hence its diagnosis is an important topic. Thus, the influence of static and dynamic eccentricities on the harmonics of the frequency spectra of the unbalanced ... -
Influence of Manufacturing Tolerances and Eccentricities on the Electromotive Force in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
(IEEE, 2022)Eccentricity is a common error in electric motors, so its diagnosis is an important issue. Therefore, the effect of static and dynamic eccentricities on the harmonics of the frequency spectra of the voltage of a phase is ...