Ikerketa-Kongresuak: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 450
Análisis de distribución de carga en husillos a bolas para altas cargas mediante modelos de elementos finitos optimizados
(2023)Los husillos a bolas son actuadores electro-mecánicos ampliamente utilizados en máquinas y mecanismos como solución de posicionamiento lineal, caracterizándose por su gran rigidez y capacidad de carga. Estos sistemas han ... -
Evolución de la fatiga superficial en engranajes de acero al carbono
(2023)Los engranajes rectos de aceros de bajo contenido de carbono se utilizan ampliamente en aplicaciones de baja exigencia debido a su bajo costo y simplicidad de fabricación. Uno de los fallos más comunes de estos engranajes ... -
Aumento de la precisión de posicionado de células robóticas en aplicaciones de mecanizado
(2023)En las últimas décadas han incrementado las aplicaciones de los robots industriales aumentando también la demanda en la precisión de posicionado. Sin embargo, los robots industriales se caracterizan por ser muy repetitivos ... -
Tensiones en el pie de acoplamientos dentados abombados que trabajan en aplicaciones con alta desalineación
(2023)Los acoplamientos dentados abombados son componentes mecánicos para transmitir potencia entre ejes en rotación desalineados. Para poder absorber dichas desalineaciones y en especial, la desalineación angular, la geometría ... -
Optimal manufacturing configuration selection: sequential decision making and optimization using reinforcement learning
(Elsevier, 2023)In manufacturing, different costs must be considered when selecting the optimal manufacturing configuration. Costs include manufacturing costs, material costs, labor costs, and overhead costs. Optimal manufacturing ... -
Theoretical analysis of transmission error in rack and pinion systems
(EDP Sciences, 2023)Rack and pinion drive systems are widely used in machine tools with long travel distances because the stiffness is independent of the travelled distance, in contrast to other drive systems such as ballscrews. Although the ... -
The importance of a human-centered approach in public participation to develop citizen-oriented smart neighborhoods
(AEIPRO, 2023)In order to be truly citizen-oriented, a smart city must be constantly looking for ways to meet the needs of its citizens, highlighting their value as urban solution developers. In order to truly meet the needs of citizens, ... -
Development and validation of Human-Robot Experience (HUROX) questionnaire for industrial collaborative contexts
(AEIPRO, 2023)An increasing number of robots are being implemented in Industry 5.0, which aims to put the well-being of the operators at the centre. From a human-centred design perspective, it is crucial to assess the perception and ... -
Mapping human factors in virtual reality: VRUX
(AEIPRO, 2023)Industry 5.0 addresses the technocentric limitations of Industry 4.0 and opts for a more humancentred industry. This affects the different technologies that are already being implemented in manufacturing such as exoskeletons, ... -
Latentziarik gabeko sareko identifikatzaileen aleatorizazioa kontrol industrialerako sistemetan proaktiboki errekonozimendu erasoak mitigatzeko
(UEU, 2023)Kontrol industrialerako sistemak askotariko instalazio industrialetan erabiltzen dira, azpiegitura kritikoetan barne, segurtasun-eraso anitzen helburu nagusi bihurtuz. Sare industrialen konfigurazio eta topologia estatikoek, ... -
Enhancing Flexibility in Industry 4.0 Workflows: A Context-Aware Component for Dynamic Service Orchestration
(Elsevier, 2024)Manufacturing processes of the future will rely on standards for asset interoperability and service orchestration. The Asset Administration Shell (AAS) facilitates information exchange among Industry 4.0 assets, while ... -
Geometry optimisation of highly crowned gear couplings working in high misalignment applications to reduce tooth root stresses
(EDP Sciences, 2023)Crowned gear couplings are mechanical components used to transmit power between misaligned rotating shafts. Their geometry is characterised by a significant longitudinal crowning to accommodate angular misalignment. Recent ... -
Fear Field: Adaptive constraints for safe environment transitions in Shielded Reinforcement Learning
(CEUR-WS.org, 2023)Shielding methods for Reinforcement Learning agents show potential for safety-critical industrial applications. However, they still lack robustness on nominal safety, a key property for safety control systems. In the case ... -
Digital twin development for the sensitivity analysis of near solidus forming process
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023)Near Solidus Forming (NSF) process, performed at semi-solid material state is gaining popularity due to its good physical properties, low manufacturing cost and material waste. Although the process possesses many advantages ... -
PEM motako erregai-pilen zenbakizko analisia eta balioztatze esperimentala
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2023)Gaur egungo aldaketa klimatikoa dela medio, energia elektrikoa lortzeko alternatiba berri ugari sortzen ari dira. Horien artean erregai-pilek abantaila suposatzen dute hainbat esparrutan. Ikerketa honetan gaur egun garapen ... -
Teaching Model-Based Systems Engineering with MATLAB & Simulink for Smart Energy Systems
(2023)Developing complex and smart energy systems is a challenge for today's industry. Systems are developed consisting of power hardware, control and communication hardware, and software of all kinds with more and more connectivity. ... -
Integrando los ODS en el grado de Ingeniería Informática
(Universitat d'Alacant, 2023)El nuevo marco establecido por el Real Decreto 822/2021 estableció que los y las profesionales surgidos de las universidades tienen que ser capaces de liderar transformaciones ’claramente alineadas con los Objetivos de ... -
Evaluación del potencial de las imágenes OCT maculares para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Parkinson
(Universidad de Valladolid, 2022) -
Federated Explainability for Network Anomaly Characterization
(ACM, 2023)Machine learning (ML) based systems have shown promising results for intrusion detection due to their ability to learn complex patterns. In particular, unsupervised anomaly detection approaches offer practical advantages ... -
Towards robust defect detection in casting using contrastive learning
(Springer, 2023)Defect detection plays a vital role in ensuring product quality and safety within industrial casting processes. In these dynamic environments, the occasional emergence of new defects in the production line poses a significant ...