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CRESCO Framework and Checker: Automatic Generation of Reflective UML State Machine's C++ Code and Checker
(IEEE, 2020)Software Systems are becoming increasingly complex leading to new Validation & Verification challenges. Model checking and testing techniques are used at development time while runtime verification aims to verify that a ... -
Advantages of Arrowhead Framework for the Machine Tooling Industry
(IEEE, 2020)Immersed in the digital era and fully experiencing the changes introduced by the new industrial revolution of the so-called Industry 4.0, there are still many aspects of industrial digitization to resolve. Interoperability ... -
Reuse in safety critical systems : educational use case first experiences
(IEEE, 2014)In order to maintain Europe as world leader in development of safety relevant systems one of the keys would be to join together the European industrial, academic and scientific communities. One of the main industrial ... -
Reuse in safety critical systems: educational use case
(IEEE, 2013)The last decades, the electromechanical control systems are being replaced by Programmable Electronic Control Systems. The challenge is that these new systems have to be at least as safe as the replaced ones. Any company ... -
Reuse in Safety Critical Systems: Educational Use Case Final Results
(IEEE, 2015)The University of Mondragon, has participated in an European ARTEMIS project called SafeCer during 4 years. The main objective of the project has been to research about the "Reuse of safety related embedded systems and ... -
Increasing dependability in Safety Critical CPSs using Reflective Statecharts
(Springer, 2017)Dependability is crucial in Safety Critical Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). In spite of the research carried out in recent years, implementation and certification of such systems remain costly and time consuming. In this ... -
Removing piston-driven mechanical chest compression artefacts from the ECG
(CinC Computing In Cardiology, 2017)Piston-driven mechanical chest compression (CC) devices induce a quasi-periodic artefact in the ECG, making rhythm diagnosis unreliable. Data from 230 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients were collected in which ... -
Implementing Management Systems and Demand Driven MRP concepts : a Project Based Learning experience in Industrial Organization Engineering
(Universitat Politecnica de València, 2018)This research work presents an experience of the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea using Project Based Learning (PBL) with the students of 4th semester of Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organization ... -
An Accurate Shock Advise Algorithm for Use During Piston-Driven Chest Compressions
(IEEE, 2018)Mechanically delivered chest compressions induce artifacts in the ECG that can lead to an incorrect diagnosis of the shock advice algorithms implemented in the defibrillators. This forces the rescuer to stop cardiopulmonary ... -
Genetic Algorithm-based Testing of Industrial Elevators under Passenger Uncertainty
(IEEE, 2021)Elevators, as other cyber-physical systems, need to deal with uncertainty during their operation due to several factors such as passengers and hardware. Such uncertainties could affect the quality of service promised by ... -
Enhancing surface integrity of A7050-T7451 aluminium alloy by pneumatic machine hammer peening
(Elsevier Ltd., 2022)Aerostructures withstand cyclic mechanical loads and therefore, their design must fulfil surface integrity and fatigue strength requirements. This paper studies the effect of pneumatic machine hammer peening on surface ... -
Effect of innovative finishing operations on the tribological performance of steel 27MnCr5
(Elsevier Ltd., 2022)Transmission shafts used in the automotive sector must have a good tribological performance, and therefore an enhanced surface integrity. This paper aims to study the effect of eco-friendly innovative finishing operations ... -
Module-Level Modelling Approach for a Cloudbased Digital Twin Platform for Li-Ion Batteries
(IEEE, 2022)The pursue of the new increasingly intelligent, and heavier state estimation algorithms requires a significant amount of data and computing power, which may challenge their deployment in current BMS solutions. To address ... -
A Cost-Effective Directional Millimeter-Wave Channel Sounder for 60 GHz Industrial Wireless Communications
(IEEE, 2022)The millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands contain some properties that can be key enablers for future wireless communications in industrial scenarios, but, despite the potential this new medium presents, very few efforts have ... -
Analytical Model of the Current Stress in Active-Bridge Active-Clamp Converter for More Electric Aircraft
(IEEE, 2021)Nowadays, the emergence of electrically supplied actuators and energy storage systems is leading the aeronautic industry to develop aircrafts with more electrical power installed. Therefore, different Power-Electronic ... -
Reactive Power Limits of Single-Phase and Three-Phase DC-Link VSC STATCOMs under Negative-Sequence Voltage and Current
(IEEE, 2021)This paper analyzes and compares the reactive power limits of single- and three-phase configured dc-link Voltage Source Converter (VSC) structures for Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) to operate with negative-sequence ... -
Resonant Dual Active Bridge Partial Power Converter for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations
(IEEE, 2021)This paper presents an analysis and design of a DC-DC charging unit for an electric vehicle fast charging station. Due to the benefits that partial power processing achieves in terms of size reduction and efficiency ... -
Cost-effectiveness of Opportunity Charging in Non-electrified Railway Lines
(IEEE, 2021)This paper analyses the cost-effectiveness of deploying opportunity charging points in long-distance non-electrified railway lines, which are driven by battery-based hybrid diesel-electric railway vehicles. A study case ... -
In-depth Life Cycle Cost Analysis of a Hydrogen Electric Multiple Unit
(IEEE, 2021)This paper analyses the life cycle costs of railway projects involving hydrogen electric multiple units. The analysis focuses on the interrelation between the selected lithium-ion battery technology, the designed energy ... -
Delta Rhapsody
(2016)Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) has become the pre-eminent paradigm used to improve the development of complex systems. Additionally, Delta Modelling provides an incremental approach to the design and maintenance of ...