Ikerketa-Kongresuak: Azken bidalketak
450-tik 161-180 emaitza erakusten
Design of a novel modular energy conversion scheme for DC offshore wind farms
(IEEE, 2015)Offshore wind farms provide benefits over onshore farms in terms of the amount of generated energy and environmental impact. Cost efficient energy transmission is one of the challenges of those installations. In this context ... -
Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntza etapako irakasleen pertzepzioa STEM hezkuntza-ereduarekiko
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2023)Gero eta garapen zientifiko eta teknologiko konplexuagora moldatu beharko den gizartean, egungo ikasleek pentsamendu kritikoa garatu beharko dute eta, arazo-egoera ezberdinen aurrean, irtenbide aproposenak bilatu. Horretarako, ... -
Irakaslearen konpetentzia digitalaren azterketa: autopertzepziotik ebaluaziora
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2023)Ikerketa honen helburua, Mondragon Unibertsitateko Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntzan, Batxilergoan, Lanbide Heziketan eta hizkuntzen irakaskuntzan irakasle gisa aritzeko gaitzen duen unibertsitate masterreko ikasleen ... -
Application of material constitutive and friction models parameters identified with AI and ALE to a CEL orthogonal cutting model
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)The identification of input parameters for funite element modelling of the cutting process is still a complex task as the experimental testing equipment cannot reach its combined levels of strains, strain rates and ... -
Digital Twin for Final Generated Surface Dimensional Error Analysis at Tool Path Level in Contour Milling
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)Surface errors in contour milling due to force induced tool deflections have a direct impact on the dimensional and geometrical accuracy of the finished part. In this sense, virtual manufacturing systems provide the ... -
Force Prediction Methodology for Complex Shape Broaching
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)Broaching is widely used for the manufacturing of complex geometries which requires high dimensional accuracy and surface finishing (e.g., fir tree, dovetail). A software development for force prediction in complex shape ... -
Numerical modelling of the drag finishing process at a macroscopic scale to optimize surface roughness improvement on additively manufactured (SLM) Inconel 718 parts
(Elsevier B.V., 2022)Drag finishing is one of the mass finishing processes that enhances surface roughness on complex and rough parts produced by additive manufacturing. This paper proposes a model to simulate abrasive media flowing around the ... -
Hole quality analysis of AISI 304-GFRP stacks using robotic drilling
(Elsevier B.V., 2022)Although drilling of FRP - metal stacks is the most widely used machining operation for these materials, it remains challenging in many aspects (tool wear, vibrations, delamination, poor surface finish, etc). In this ... -
Efecto de la separación fibra-matriz sobre las propiedades mecánicas de una viga forjada en poliamida reforzada con fibra de vidrio
(Scipedia, 2022)In the present work, ribbed beams have been manufactured by forging fiberglassreinforced polyamide using two different temperatures. The higher processing temperature studied (300 ºC) ensures the filling of the mold in the ... -
Optimization of the CRTM process by means of monitoring techniques
(Scipedia, 2018)In this work the feasability of the monitoring system, composed of flow-rate and injection pressure sensors, in addition to the pressure sensors integrated in the mold, is demonstrated to determine the optimal process ... -
Fast and Accurate Vibration Response Calculation Procedure for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
(IEEE, 2022)The vibration of the stator frame due to electromagnetic forces is one of the main noise and vibration sources of electric machines. In some applications, due to the wide variety of working conditions, design optimizations ... -
Shielded Reinforcement Learning: A review of reactive methods for safe learning
(IEEE, 2023)Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are showing promising results in simulated environments, but their replication in real physical applications, even more so in safety-critical applications, is not yet guaranteed. ... -
A Scalable and Unified Multi-Control Framework for KUKA LBR iiwa Collaborative Robots
(IEEE, 2023)The trend towards industrialization and digitalization has led more and more companies to deploy robots in their manufacturing facilities. In the field of collaborative robotics, the KUKA LBR iiwa is one of the benchmark ... -
Modular Battery Energy Storage Systems for Available Energy Increase
(IEEE, 2022)The aim of this work is to dive into the available energy of different configurations of battery packs, a vital factor when it comes to improving the driving range of electric vehicles. To that end, two different storage ... -
E-Learning Experience with Flipped Classroom Quizzes Using Kahoot, Moodle and Google Forms: A Comparative Study
(ACM, 2023)In recent years, the use of technology is gaining weight in higher education. Today’s students are digital natives and e-Learning is common for them. Furthermore, they find traditional teaching methods tedious. In order ... -
Multi-AP Coordination PHY/MAC Management for Industrial Wi-Fi
(IEEE, 2022)This work discusses Access Point Coordination techniques for future 802.11 communications in the context of industrial Wireless TSN scenarios. A Coordinated OFDMA setup is proposed with a frame exchange scheme based on ... -
Architecture for managing AAS-based business processes
(Elsevier, 2023)Industries frequently encounter the need to orchestrate services provided by devices as business processes. These industrial business process models need to meet Industry 4.0 (I4.0) specifications to handle unpredictable ... -
Design and validation of a predictive energy management strategy for self-consumption in tertiary buildings
(IEEE, 2022)This work presents a predictive energy management strategy for self-consumption in tertiary buildings. The self-consumption is composed of a photovoltaic generation and a battery. The energy management strategy is composed ...