Ikerketa-Kongresuak: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 261-280 de 450
Model Query Translator. A Model-level Query Approach for Large-scale Models
(SCITEPRESS, 2015)Persisting and querying models larger than a few tens of megabytes using XMI introduces a significant time and memory footprint overhead to MDD workflows. In this paper, we present an approach that attempts to address this ... -
Supporting CRUD Model Operations from EOL to SQL
(SCITEPRESS, 2016)Model-based software development promises improvements in terms of quality and cost by raising the abstraction level of the development from code to models, but also requires mature techniques and tools. Although Eclipse ... -
Evolving Legacy Model Transformations to Aggregate Non Functional Requirements of the Domain
(SCITEPRESS, 2015)The use of Model Driven Development (MDD) is increasing in industry. When a Non Functional Requirement (NFR) not considered in the development must be added metamodels, models and also transformations are affected. Tasks ... -
Transevol - A Tool to Evolve Legacy Model Transformations by Example
(SCITEPRESS, 2014)The use of Model Driven Development (MDD) approach is increasing in industry. MDD approach raises the level of abstraction using models as main artefacts of software engineering processes. The development of model ... -
On the support of multi-perspective process models variability for smart environments
(IEEE, 2014)Cloud service-based applications are to be adapted to serve multiple platforms and stakeholders. Atop of such services, Smart Green Buildings are fostering a plethora of processes within their sustainability life-cycle. ... -
Vacuum packaging and semipassive chips for wireless temperature monitoring in industrial applications
(2017)This paper describes a smart system to monitor high temperature in industrial applications. The solution includes a semipassive microchip which allows logging data and wireless reading. Protection for the electronics against ... -
DC versus AC in residential buildings: efficiency comparison
(IEEE, 2013)DC energy solutions are gaining interest in recent years, due to improvements in power electronics. Some companies have developed solutions for the domestic implementation of DC power systems. This article analyzes the ... -
Understanding human response to tactile stimuli: A Machine Learning approach
(VISLAB, 2018)Whereas understanding human reaction to touch is of great interest in many medical applications, it is still a very unknown field. This research aims to clarify the nature of the relation between endogenous and exogenous ... -
Social Networks, Big Data and Transport Planning
(Elsevier, 2016)The characteristics of people who are related or tied to each individual affects her activity-travel behavior. That influence is especially associated to social and recreational activities, which are increasingly important. ... -
Comparison : Group Model Building Workshops of Two SMEs from the Basque Industrial Sector
(Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 2017)Group Model Building (GMB) is a methodology which involves a target group in the business of model formulation and conceptualization. It is crucial to obtain extended formal models and accelerate group decision support for ... -
Uxer: Nueva herramienta para la evaluación heurística de la experiencia en entornos interactivos y digitales
(AEIPRO, 2017)The digital interfaces have become the spaces that more interactive flows are generated between products/services and people. The latest proposals allow us to control an entire building, a production facility or execute ... -
Metodología UCAD: Principios para garantizar el desarrollo de soluciones digitales que tienen en cuenta a los usuarios
(AEIPRO, 2017)The so-called Industry 4.0 has caused the introduction of new digital technologies that increase and improve the production and potential of the new intelligent industry. For that, it’s necessary a good communication between ... -
Visión del Diseño Inclusivo en España
(AEIPRO, 2017)In a global world, where cultures intertwine and where many countries see their population aging, many people is excluded by traditional products and services. Spain is not an exception and there are groups of people that ... -
Influencia de la frecuencia respiratoria inducida en los valores HRV
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País VascoEuskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2017)The study of Place Cells, hippocampal neurons tuned to spatial locations in the environment, is central to elucidate how the brain encodes and retrieves spatial information. Advances in genetic and imaging technologies ... -
A Data-Driven Health Assessment Method for Electromechanical Actuation Systems
(Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2016)The design of health assessment applications for the electromechanical actuation system of the aircraft is a challenging task. Physics-of-failure models involve non-linear complex equations which are further complicated ... -
Evaluating embedded relational databases for large model persistence and query
(Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2016)Large models are increasingly used in Model Driven Development. Different studies have proved that XMI (default persistence in Eclipse Modelling Framework) has some limitations when operating with large models. To overcome ... -
Kernel hautapen dinamikoa Optimizazio Bayesiarrean
(UEU, 2015)In Bayesian Optimization, when using a Gaussian Process prior, some kernels adapt better than others to the objective function. This research evaluates the possibility of dynamically changing the kernel function based on ... -
Etxean jakiak hobeto aprobetxatzeko produktu berri baten diseinua : esperientzien diseinua ardatz hartuta
(UEU, 2015)The experiences are becoming the new owners of the economic value, due to the new socioeconomic context. More and more companies are using experience driven methodologies in order to get a better understanding of the ... -
Sistema Ziber-Fisiko Aldakorrak : analisia, kudeaketa eta simulazioa
(UEU, 2015)Cyber-Physical Systems integrate digital cyber technologies with complex physical systems. These systems are taking importance in our dayly lives and their variability is considerably increasing to give response to di erent ... -
Garraio propietateak nahasketa hirutarretan
(UEU, 2015)