Zerrendatu Ikerketa-Kongresuak honen arabera: ikerketa taldea "Accionamientos aplicados a la tracción y a la generación de energía eléctrica"
23-tik 1-20 emaitza erakusten
Analysis of Interleaved Input-Parallel Output-Parallel Dual-Active-Bridge Converter for More Electric Aircraft
(IEEE, 2021)Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) converter is one of the most proposed topologies when considering DC/DC bidirectional isolated power conversion. In these applications, the power density of the converter is one of the main ... -
Analysis of Multiphase Permanent Magnet Motors via Space-Harmonic Model
(IEEE, 2024)Multiphase permanent magnet motors are gaining popularity thanks to their advantages, which include reduced torque ripple, enhanced torque capability, and fault tolerance. However, their modelling and control is more ... -
Analysis, comparison and selection of DC-DC converters for a novel modular energy conversion scheme for DC offshore wind farms
(IEEE, 2015)Offshore wind farms provide benefits over onshore farms in terms of the amount of generated energy and environmental impact. Cost efficient energy transmission is one of the challenges of such installations. In this context, ... -
Analytical model to calculate magnetic flux density in permanent magnet synchronous machines with static eccentricity
(IEEE, 2016)In this article a general analytical model for the analysis of permanent magnet synchronous machines with static eccentricity is presented. The model is a continuation of [1] and it is based on Fourier time-space series ... -
Automatic detection test of current sensor faults for induction motor drives at standstill
(IEEE, 2016)This paper proposes an automatic detection test of gain faults in current sensors. An offline test is applied when the machine is not operating. The designed test operates at standstill without being necessary to disconnect ... -
A comparison between continuous and hairpin windings for electric traction drives
(IEEE, 2023)Present change in mobility to vehicle electrification involves highly exigent requirements on product performance and production technologies. In the manufacturing of electric machines, the stator winding is the most ... -
Comparison of impedance spectroscopy and partial discharge analysis as insulation health diagnosis techniques
(IEEE, 2024)The ageing of insulation systems in electric machines can compromise partial discharge-free designs. Regularly monitoring insulation health is crucial to prevent unexpected failures. Several authors have proposed health ... -
DC-link sensor Fault Detection and isolation for railway traction electric drives
(IEEE, 2017)This article presents the design and the implementation of a fault detection and isolation strategy for sensors in variable speed drives. Electric drives use several current and voltage sensors for control and protection. ... -
Design and validation of a predictive energy management strategy for self-consumption in tertiary buildings
(IEEE, 2022)This work presents a predictive energy management strategy for self-consumption in tertiary buildings. The self-consumption is composed of a photovoltaic generation and a battery. The energy management strategy is composed ... -
Design of a novel modular energy conversion scheme for DC offshore wind farms
(IEEE, 2015)Offshore wind farms provide benefits over onshore farms in terms of the amount of generated energy and environmental impact. Cost efficient energy transmission is one of the challenges of those installations. In this context ... -
Effects of Recycled Permanent Magnets on Electric Machine and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Performances
(ASME, 2023)Permanent magnet price volatility is an ongoing issue that affects many industrial sectors worldwide, dictating the costs of the final product by a substantial degree. This fluctuation can be attributed to a large ... -
Elementu pasiboen eragina frekuentzia altuko bihurgailuetan
(UEU, 2021)Notable technological advancements in power electronics have been made in the last years, such as SiC and GaN based transistors. Still, power converters based on these technologies cannot be fully exploited due to passive ... -
Experimental-Based model for Turn-to-Turn PDIV Prediction Dependent on Temperature
(IEEE, 2024)Turn-to-turn insulation partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV) plays a crucial role in the design of the insulation system of inverter-fed motors for the automotive sector. This paper presents a turn-to-turn PDIV ... -
Fast and Accurate Vibration Response Calculation Procedure for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
(IEEE, 2022)The vibration of the stator frame due to electromagnetic forces is one of the main noise and vibration sources of electric machines. In some applications, due to the wide variety of working conditions, design optimizations ... -
GaN Based Multiphasic Drive for Electric Vehicles
(VDE Verlag, 2023)This paper presents the design of a six-phase two-level Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) using Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductors. The proposed topology consists of three full-bridge branches, where the GaN semiconductors ... -
High-Frequency Modelling of Windings
(IEEE, 2022)Electrical drives consume a great amount of the world’s energy, and this will keep increasing due to the electromobility trend. Hence, the efficiency of electrical drives must be improved to reach sustainability. Silicon ... -
Influence of Manufacturing Tolerances and Eccentricities on the Electromotive Force in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
(IEEE, 2022)Eccentricity is a common error in electric motors, so its diagnosis is an important issue. Therefore, the effect of static and dynamic eccentricities on the harmonics of the frequency spectra of the voltage of a phase is ... -
Methodology to Study Demagnetization Risk in Permanent Magnet Machines by Finite Element Method
(IEEE, 2017)Nowadays the majority of applications are demanding more and more compact, cost effective and robust solutions for their electric drives. In this context permanent magnet synchronous machines are considered as a good ... -
Model driven Hardware-in-the-Loop Fault analysis of railway traction systems
(IEEE, 2017)Classical Dependability Analysis techniques, such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis, have been used during the last decades to demonstrate the reliability, availability, maintainability ... -
Review of Wide Bandgap Materials and their Impact in New Power Devices
(IEEE, 2017)Power electronic converters use semiconductors to satisfy the needs of different applications. Nowadays, these semiconductors are mainly based on Silicon (Si), which can be processed virtually without defects. However, the ...