Listar Ikerketa-Kongresuak por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 450
Combined data mining approach for intrusion detection
(Scitepress, 2007)This paper presents the results of the project MIAU, a data mining approach for intrusion detection alert correlation. MIAU combines different data mining techniques in order to properly solve some existing problems in the ... -
Phase transformation fronts propagation during the Stress Induced Martensitic transformation in NiTi Shape Memory Alloy wires at impact strain rates
(EDP Sciences, 2009)Propagation of phase transformation fronts during the stress induced martensitic (SIM) transformation at impact strain rates, on the order of 10 s-1, was observed in situ by measuring changes in infrared radiation on the ... -
Implementation analysis for a hybrid particle filter on an FPGA based smart camera
(Scitepress, 2010)Design and development of embedded devices which perform computer vision related task presents many challenges, many of which stem from attempting to fit the complexity of many higher level vision algorithms into the ... -
Dialogue based management of user feedback in an autonomous preference learning system
(Scitepress, 2010)We present an enhanced method for user feedback in an autonomous learning system that includes a spoken dialogue system to manage the interactions between the users and the system. By means of a rule-based natural language ... -
A comparative study of residual stress profiles on Inconel 718 induced by dry face turning
(Elsevier, 2011)Residual stress profiles induced by different dry face turning conditions are compared employing X-ray diffraction method, Hole-Drilling method and Finite Element Modelling. It is well known that the surface integrity ... -
Analysis of different inhibitors for magnesium investment casting
(IOP Publishing, 2011)Investment casting of magnesium is a well suited process for the production of aeronautic and automotive components. But still, this process has not been properly developed. One reason for that are the reactions between ... -
Magnet eddy current loss calculation method for segmentation analysis on permanent magnet machines
(IEEE, 2011)Eddy current losses generated in the rotor of permanent magnet machines may lead to an excessive magnet heating. This can cause the magnets to get fully demagnetized so it is very important to analyze the losses on them. ... -
Multi-modal person detection and tracking from a mobile robot in a crowded environment
(Scitepress, 2011)This paper addresses multi-modal person detection and tracking using a 2D SICK Laser Range Finder and a visual camera from a mobile robot in a crowded and cluttered environment. A sequential approach in which the laser ... -
Fluido magnetikoen portaera magneto-reologiko eta biskoelastikoa
(Mondragon Unibertsitateko Zerbitzu Editoriala, 2012)Fluido magnetikoak likido eramaile eta partikula magnetikoez daude osatuta, eta beraien portaera aplikatutako eremu magnetikoaren menpekoa da. Lan honetan, olio mineralez, sufaktante batez, likatzaile batez eta partikula ... -
Personalised Trachea Stent Designer: a Knowledge Feature
(Elsevier, 2012)Modelling of anatomical parts is usually tackled through triangulated models with specialised Bio-CAD applications. If features beyond anatomy are required, geometry is usually translated into NURBS geometry for further ... -
Machining behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-5553 alloys in interrupted cutting with PVD coated cemented carbide
(Elsevier, 2012)Machining behaviour of Ti-5553, Ti-6Al-4 V mill-annealed (MA) and Ti-6Al-4 V solution treated and aged (STA) alloys was studied in different interrupted cutting operations using PVD coated cemented carbide tools. Single ... -
Effect of heat Treatment Conditions on the Machinability of Ti64 and Ti54 M Alloys
(Elsevier, 2012)Orthogonal tests on cylindrical workpieces were carried out to analyze the effect of heat treatment on the machinability of newly developed Ti54M titanium alloy in comparison with Ti64. This paper focuses on the comparison ... -
Analysis of non-uniform circumferential segmentation of magnets to reduce eddy-current losses in SPMSM machines
(IEEE, 2012)Eddy current losses generated in the rotor of the permanent magnet machines may lead to an excessive magnet heating. This can cause full demagnetization of the magnets so it is very important to analyze the losses on them ... -
poliSPAM: Analisis de la eficiencia del spam personalizado utilizando informacion publica de redes sociales
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2012)Las campañas de envío de correos electrónicos no deseados siguen siendo una de las mayores amenazas que afectan a millones de usuarios al día. Si bien los filtros antispam son capaces de detectar y rechazar un número elevado ... -
SURF and MU-SURF descriptor comparison with application in soft-biometric tattoo matching applications
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2012)In this work a comparison of the SURF and MUSURF feature descriptor vectors is made. First, the descriptors’ performance is evaluated using a standard data set of general transformed images. This evaluation consists in ... -
Reputation-based intrusion detection system for wireless sensor networks
(IEEE, 2012)Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be used in a broad range of applications from complex military operations to simple domestic environments. This makes security a vital characteristic in WSNs. There have been numerous ... -
Evolution of Surface Roughness in Grinding and its Relationship with the Dressing Parameters and the Radial Wear
(Elsevier, 2013)Grinding is a machining process specially indicated for finishing operations in hard materials, in order to obtain low surface roughness (Ra 0.1 μm to 2μm) and tight tolerances. The cutting tool is the grinding wheel which ... -
Reuse in safety critical systems: educational use case
(IEEE, 2013)The last decades, the electromechanical control systems are being replaced by Programmable Electronic Control Systems. The challenge is that these new systems have to be at least as safe as the replaced ones. Any company ... -
DC versus AC in residential buildings: efficiency comparison
(IEEE, 2013)DC energy solutions are gaining interest in recent years, due to improvements in power electronics. Some companies have developed solutions for the domestic implementation of DC power systems. This article analyzes the ... -
Methodology for thermal modelling of lithium-ion batteries
(IEEE, 2013)Temperature is a determinant parameter in terms of performance, lifespan and safety working with li-ion batteries. Working above 45°C, in hot climates, has direct influence in the cycle life of the battery and can cause a ...