Listar Ikerketa-Kongresuak por autor "1fa16511c9917b2a437eb30b87b4ca17"
Mostrando ítems 1-16 de 16
50 kW Partial Power Converter for EV Charging
Anzola, Jon; Arruti Romero, Asier; Aizpuru, Iosu; Agirrezabala, Eneko; Mazuela, Mikel (IEEE, 2024)This paper presents the design and assembly of a 50 kW dual active bridge partial power converter. Due to the reduction in the power processed by the converter, the maximum power observed by the converter is set to 4.7 kW. ... -
Alternative Approach Based on Bézier Curves to Model Core Losses With the Composite iGSE Method
Agote San Sebastian, Anartz; Arruti Romero, Asier; Aizpuru, Iosu; Mazuela, Mikel (IEEE, 2024)This work addresses limitations of the composite improved generalized Steinmetz equation for core loss calculation and presents a more robust definition of the losses. First, the limitations due to extrapolation of the ... -
Analytical, FEM and Experimental Study of the Influence of the Airgap Size in Different Types of Ferrite Cores
Arruti Romero, Asier; Anzola, Jon; Aizpuru, Iosu; Mazuela, Mikel (IEEE, 2022)This work reviews and compares different airgap reluctance calculation approaches with experimental results, focusing on the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation. The modelling of the airgap reluctance in two dimensions is ... -
Análisis de arquitecturas de potencia parcial para aplicaciones de corriente continua
Anzola, Jon; Aizpuru, Iosu; GARAYALDE, ERIK; Arrizabalaga, Antxon; Mazuela, Mikel (2019)En este documento se analizan arquitecturas avanzadas de convertidores DC-DC que buscan reducir la potencia a manejar por estos mismos. Para ello, en primer lugar, se describen las ventajas y desventajas que presentan este ... -
Benefits of switching from Si to SiC modules with further converter optimization
Arrizabalaga, Antxon; Mazuela, Mikel; Aizpuru, Iosu; Urkizu, June; Aztiria, Jon (IEEE, 2022)SiC semiconductors have better characteristics than Si, improving power electronics converters performances. A prototype that can switch semiconductor technology without changing any other part of the system is built and ... -
Comprehensive analysis of voltage balancing techniques for 5L NPC converters
Mazuela, Mikel; Baraia-Etxaburu, Josu (IEEE, 2013)The reduced capability of the 5L-NPC Inverter to balance the voltages of the four DC-bus capacitors makes this converter unattractive for real power applications. This is especially true if the load demands active power. ... -
Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer DWPT Time Domain model: xyz position and speed coupling effect
Aizpuru, Iosu; Agirrezabala, Eneko; Mazuela, Mikel; IRAOLA, UNAI (IEEE, 2022)The paper presents a DWPT system time domain model which considers speed and position (x, y, z) coupling effects. The speed effect compared to static WPT, presents an active behavior that should be considered during the ... -
Elementu pasiboen eragina frekuentzia altuko bihurgailuetan
Arruti Romero, Asier; Anzola, Jon; Aizpuru, Iosu; Mazuela, Mikel (UEU, 2021)Notable technological advancements in power electronics have been made in the last years, such as SiC and GaN based transistors. Still, power converters based on these technologies cannot be fully exploited due to passive ... -
Experimental verification of the AC resistance effect in Insulated Metal Substrate based Power Converters
Aizpuru, Iosu; Arruti Romero, Asier; Agirrezabala, Eneko; Mazuela, Mikel (IEEE, 2023)Insulated Metal Substrate (IMS) based power converters are an excellent solution for thermal dissipation of power converters, but they suffer for limited layer options generating parasitic elements specially in High ... -
Impact of Non-Uniform Flux Density on Core Losses: A Case Study on Standard Core Geometries
Arruti Romero, Asier; Agote San Sebastian, Anartz; Anzola, Jon; Aizpuru, Iosu; Mazuela, Mikel (IEEE, 2024)The non-uniform flux density distribution inside magnetic cores leads to increased overall losses when compared to the commonly used uniform flux density assumption. This effect is amplified if rectangular based core shapes ... -
Impact of silicon carbide devices in 2 MW DFIG based wind energy system
Arrizabalaga, Antxon; Idarreta Garate, Aitor; Mazuela, Mikel; Aizpuru, Iosu; IRAOLA, UNAI (IEEE, 2020)Renewable energies are going through a major increment, mainly wind and photovoltaic energies, being market competitiveness the main driver for their massive penetration. As power converters are used to interface renewable ... -
Integración de Carburo de silicio para aumentar el AEP de sistemas de generación eólica basados en DFIG
Arrizabalaga, Antxon; Idarreta Garate, Aitor; Mazuela, Mikel; Aizpuru, Iosu; IRAOLA, UNAI (2020)Gracias a sus prestaciones superiores en comparación con los semiconductores de silicio actuales, los semiconductores de carburo de silicio suponen una tecnología con potencial para aumentar la producción energética anual ... -
Integration of Silicon Carbide devices to increase the AEP (Annual Energy Production) in a PM based wind generation system
Arrizabalaga, Antxon; Mazuela, Mikel; Idarreta Garate, Aitor; IRAOLA, UNAI; Aizpuru, Iosu (IEEE, 2020)A radical energetic change is needed nowadays and enhancing renewable energies should play a main role. For its superior performance and lower losses, SiC devices are identified as a potential technology to improve wind ... -
SiC erdieroaleak energia eolikoan LCoEa hobetzeko
Arrizabalaga, Antxon; Mazuela, Mikel; Urkizu, June; Aztiria, Jon (UEU, 2021)This research identifies the wind energy as the main renewable source. In order to improve its LCoE, SiC semiconductors are proposed, together with different voltage levels and topologies. After analyzing various configurations, ... -
Single Core and Modular Transformer Solutions: a Trade-Off Analysis of Volume, Losses and Temperature Rise
Arruti Romero, Asier; Anzola, Jon; Aizpuru, Iosu; Mazuela, Mikel (IEEE, 2022)In this paper, a comparison between single core and modular transformer solutions is made. Basic dimensional relations between volumes, areas and lengths are used to obtain mathematical expression of the power losses and ... -
System Level Optimization of 5 MW Wind Converter using 3L-NPC Topology in Medium Voltage with 1 . 7 kV IGBT
Arrizabalaga, Antxon; Mazuela, Mikel; Idarreta Garate, Aitor; IRAOLA, UNAI; Aizpuru, Iosu (IEEE, 2020)Market competitiveness is the main driver in the massive adoption of wind energy, and the optimization of the power converter is crucial for this purpose. Because it has higher efficiency than the two level Voltage Source ...