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Actas de las Cuartas Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad. Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, 13-15 de Junio, 2018
(Mondragon Unibertsitateko Zerbitzu Editoriala, 2018) -
Bateratzen: Competitive Companies and Committed People
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2022)Keys to the transition towards new high-involvement organisational models: Learning from a decade of research. -
Bateratzen: Empresas Competitivas y Personas Comprometidas
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2022)Las claves para la transición hacia nuevos modelos organizativos de alta implicación: Aprendizajes de una década de investigación. -
Bateratzen: Enpresa Lehiakorrak eta Pertsona Konprometituak
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2022)Inplikazio handiko antolaketa eredu berrietara igarotzeko gakoak: ikerketan emandako hamarkada baten ikaskuntzak. -
Bridging the Gap Between IDS and Industry 4.0 – Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future
(International Data Spaces Association, 2024) -
«Las brujas que no pudisteis quemar». Deconstrucción y resignificación de la bruja como figura femenina monstruosa dentro del movimiento feminista
(Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions, 2021)Desde finales de los años 60 del siglo xx el movimiento feminista intensificó la recuperación de las figuras femeninas monstruosas que el poder patriarcal había vinculado con la transgresión de las normas de género, de la ... -
Data Sovereignty - Requirements Analysis of Manufacturing Use Cases
(International Data Spaces Association, 2022)The increasing digitization in the manufacturing industry within and between production companies raises the question of secure and interoperable data sharing between companies in virtual enterprises or between enterprises ... -
El efecto de la participación en el bienestar de las personas y la sostenibilidad económica de las organizaciones
([Mondragon Unibertsitateko Zerbitzu Editoriala], 2019) -
Energy Efficient and Comfortable Cabin Heating
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021)Battery electric vehicles become an increasingly interesting alternative to conventional vehicles with combustion engine as the costs decrease and the driving range improves. Although, the significant decrease of the driving ... -
An Entrepreneurial University Taxonomy Proposal
(Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 2019)The European higher education landscape has experienced dramatic changes in the last decades, indeed, it has changed from only teaching to economic and social development of the regions (Bronstein and Reihlen, 2014; ... -
Evaluation of the frequency response of AC transmission based offshore wind farms
(InTech Europe, 2011) -
La formación dual universitaria en postgrado
(RUEPEP Red Universitaria de Estudios de Postgrado y Educación Permanente, 2019) -
Fretting : review on the numerical simulation and modelling of wear, fatigue and fracture
(InTech Europe, 2018) -
From KPI Dashboards to Advanced Visualization
(River Publishers, 2018) -
From NOwnership to Ownership. How to Define and Promote Local and Inclusive Citizen Ownership in Renewable Energy Projects [Policy Brief]
(2020)Citizen ownership has been associated with several benefits that can support a timely and just energy transition in the EU. However, it is important to understand that citizen ownership is very diverse and that different ... -
From Past to Present: Human-Machine Interfaces Evolve Toward Adaptivity
(Springer Nature, 2024)Human–machine interfaces (HMI) facilitate communication between humans and machines, and their importance has increased in modern technology. However, traditional HMIs are often static and do not adapt to individual user ... -
Gipuzkoako langileen parte hartzea: ongizatea, errendimendua, lurraldea
([Mondragon Unibertsitateko Zerbitzu Editoriala], 2019) -
Hybrid AC/DC microgrid mode-adaptive controls
(InTech, 2017)The lack of inertial response at microgrids is usually compensated by configuring primary controllers of converter‐interfaced devices to contribute in the transient response under power disturbances. The main purpose of ... -
Innovative Method dedicated to the development of a ferrite-pearlite grade regarding its MAChinability (IMMAC): final report
(Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea, 2019)Ferrite-pearlite (FP) steels are the most common material for engineering and automotive industries (gear box parts, crankshaft, connecting rods, injection parts…). Without any extensive research, considering the different ... -
Integration of Cutting-Edge Interoperability Approaches in Cyber-Physical Production Systems and Industry 4.0
(IGI Global, 2021)Interoperability in smart manufacturing refers to how interconnected cyber-physical components exchange information and interact. This is still an exploratory topic, and despite the increasing number of applications, many ...