Zerrendatu honen arabera: ikerketa taldea "Centro de Innovación en Diseño"
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AdaptUI: A Framework for the development of Adaptive User Interfaces in Smart Product-Service Systems
(Springer, 2024)Smart Product–Service Systems (S-PSS) represent an innovative business model that integrates intelligent products with advanced digital capabilities and corresponding e-services. The user experience (UX) within an S-PSS ... -
Addressing the Patient Experience through Human-Centred Design: A Scoping Review
(Ubiquity Press, 2023) -
Aesthetic interaction consistency: exploring the foundation for static and dynamic aesthetics
(The Design Society, 2018)Aesthetics is a powerful means for creating consistency across a product range. During the design process consistency is subject to risk. The existing tools do not integrate static as well as dynamic approaches. This paper ... -
An Experimental Protocol for Human Stress Investigation in Manufacturing Contexts: Its Application in the NO-STRESS Project
(MDPI, 2023)Stress is a critical concern in manufacturing environments, as it impacts the well-being and performance of workers. Accurate measurement of stress is essential for effective intervention and mitigation strategies. This ... -
Analysis of the pilot survey INKLUGI about aging and disabilities to promote Inclusive Design in industry
(Routledge, 2019)This study is part of the project INKLUGI. The main objective of the project is to create new tools that help to introduce Inclusive Design methods in the industry of the region of Gipuzkoa. To make companies understand ... -
Análisis bibliométrico de herramientas de evaluación de la accesibilidad de las interfaces de los productos de consumo
(AEIPRO, 2021)With the aging of the population the design of products whose interfaces are accessible becomes necessary. In this way as many people as possible could interact with the products. Inclusive Design works with this approach ... -
Análisis crítico de las normas para un diseño accesible de productos de consumo
(AEIPRO, 2021)The world's population is aging. In turn, the older we get, the greater the risk of disability due to the decline in physical, sensory and cognitive abilities. In addition, aging is a factor that directly influences people's ... -
Análisis de accesiblidad en interfaces de lavadoras
(AEIPRO, 2019)The interaction with consume products has been changing due to the development of the technology, which often turns out to be a barrier rather than an opportunity for people with disabilities. Appliances in general and ... -
Aproximación multimétodo para medir el impacto de los factores de diseño en la apropiación de un software de inteligencia competitiva
(Dyna, 2020)La industria 4.0 y una vida laboral en continua transmutación, plantean preguntas acerca de cuáles serán las competencias que requerirán las personas para la correcta apropiación tecnológica y la mejora del desempeño. Este ... -
Beyond customer satisfaction. Supporting organisational change through Service Design. A case study in the insurance industry
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)Insurance companies are in the midst of massive disruptive change occurring as a result of new consumption models and technologies. Companies unable to keep up with the rapid pace of change run the risk of disappearing. ... -
BRANDUX: Metodología de evaluación para la mejora de la consistencia de marca, aproximación estética al diseño de touchpoints
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2019)The brand is a strategic asset capable of generating emotional bonds with its customers and positively influences their behaviors and thoughts. To do this, brand values need to be properly embedded in all touchpoints ... -
Case Study of the Experience Capturer Evaluation Tool in the Design Process of an Industrial HMI
(MDPI AG, 2020)In the absence of user experience evaluation tools for industrial human–machine interfaces (HMI), a specific tool called eXperience Capturer (XC) has been created. It is a multi-method user-centred tool that evaluates the ... -
Clasificación de las herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas para proyectos socio-sanitarios
(AEIPRO, 2019)Las herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas nos ayudan a entender mejor al usuario que estamos analizando y así, poder dar soluciones pensadas en el usuario para problemas reales. En el contexto ... -
Closing the Brand Gap through innovation and design
(Elsevier B.V., 2016)Existing brands already have certain products and services that generate a particular experience in the mindof custome.However, distortions exist between what the brands what to communicate and ... -
Collaborative Synergy in Industry: Exploring Human-Robot Interaction and Cognitive Robotics
(AEIPRO, 2024)In the new era of Industry, characterized by transformative technological shifts, robots have become integral to manufacturing. This paper delves into human-robot interaction (HRI), specifically emphasizing human-robot ... -
Consideraciones para el uso de interfaces multimodales en entornos sensibles: caso de estudio en el cuidado de las personas mayores
(Interacción 2024, 2024)Este estudio se centra en mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión interna de un centro gerontológico a través de interfaces multimodales, con el propósito de ganar tiempo de valor y fomentar el modelo de la Atención Centrada ... -
Context-awareness for the design of Smart-product service systems: Literature review
(Elsevier, 2022)Smart-Product Service Systems (S-PSS) emerge as a novel strategy to integrate smart products with advanced digital capabilities and their related e-services to satisfy user’s needs in highly context-dependent environments. ... -
Datasets of skills-rating questionnaires for advanced service design through expert knowledge elicitation
(Springer Nature, 2022)This article presents a dataset of service design skills which service design experts value as important requirements for design team members. Purposive sampling and a chain referral approach were used to recruit appropriate ... -
Desarrollo de relaciones interempresariales de colaboración: el caso de una empresa de componentes de automoción
(AEIPRO, 2019)The competitiveness of companies depends to a large extent on the ability to respond to the needs of their customers. These needs are increasingly demanding and complex to resolve, translating to the rest of the agents in ... -
A Design Thinking approach to introduce entrepreneurship education in European school curricula
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)Design Thinking is visualized as the central strategy to promote entrepreneurial skills in European schools. Europe needs future generations to be more entrepreneurial in their attitudes to achieve a strong position in the ...