Zerrendatu honen arabera: ikerketa taldea "Almacenamiento de energía"
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50 kW Partial Power Converter for EV Charging
(IEEE, 2024)This paper presents the design and assembly of a 50 kW dual active bridge partial power converter. Due to the reduction in the power processed by the converter, the maximum power observed by the converter is set to 4.7 kW. ... -
Analysis and Implementation of different non-isolated Partial-Power Processing Architectures based on the Cuk Converter
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents the analysis and study of different partial-power processing architectures based on the Cuk converter. Thus, the non-isolated topologies analyzed have been considered operative as voltage source converter ... -
Analysis, comparison and selection of DC-DC converters for a novel modular energy conversion scheme for DC offshore wind farms
(IEEE, 2015)Offshore wind farms provide benefits over onshore farms in terms of the amount of generated energy and environmental impact. Cost efficient energy transmission is one of the challenges of such installations. In this context, ... -
Analytical, FEM and Experimental Study of the Influence of the Airgap Size in Different Types of Ferrite Cores
(IEEE, 2022)This work reviews and compares different airgap reluctance calculation approaches with experimental results, focusing on the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation. The modelling of the airgap reluctance in two dimensions is ... -
Análisis Experimental del Efecto de la Temperatura y la Tensión de Carga para la Optimización Energética de Sistemas de Almacenamiento de Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas Aisladas
(2017)El presente artículo trata de optimizar el uso de las baterías en instalaciones fotovoltaicas aisladas. Por un lado se trata de aprovechar al máximo la energía almacenada a la vez que se estudian los factores que afectan ... -
Bidirectional Cuk Converter in Partial-Power Architecture with Current Mode Control for Battery Energy Storage System in Electric Vehicles
(IEEE, 2022)This paper presents a partial-power processing architecture intended for an on-board charger. This module is integrated into a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). This model allows us to easily control the charge-discharge ... -
Biziraupen Estimazio Modeloa Garraio Astuneko Aplikazioetan Erabiltzen Diren Superkondentsadoreentzako
(UEU, 2019)Due to the high pollution levels, in the last few years the need of improving the efficiency of the transportation sector has increased. In this context, transport applications powered by electric storage systems emerge ... -
Calendar Ageing Model for Li-Ion Batteries Using Transfer Learning Methods
(MDPI, 2021)Getting accurate lifetime predictions for a particular cell chemistry remains a challenging process, largely dependent on time and cost-intensive experimental battery testing. This paper proposes a transfer learning (TL) ... -
Comparison between Bernardi’s equation and Heat Flux Sensor measurement as Battery Heat Generation Estimation Method
(2022)The heat generation of an energy storage system is an essential topic when designing a battery pack and its cooling system. Heat generation estimation is used together with thermal models to predict battery temperature in ... -
Convertidor de Potencia Parcial Elevador-Reductor para Aplicaciones de Carga de Vehículo Eléctrico
(2020)En este documento se presentan las arquitecturas avanzadas de convertidores DC-DC basadas en el concepto de Procesado de Potencia Parcial (PPP). Para ello, en primer lugar, se describen las ventajas y desventajas que ... -
Cost-effectiveness of Opportunity Charging in Non-electrified Railway Lines
(IEEE, 2021)This paper analyses the cost-effectiveness of deploying opportunity charging points in long-distance non-electrified railway lines, which are driven by battery-based hybrid diesel-electric railway vehicles. A study case ... -
Cost-optimal Integration of Innovative Powertrain Technologies into Rail Vehicles
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2022)Railway is an essential transportation mode in nowadays society, both for passengers and goods. Considering that the relation between the carried passenger activity and the derived pollutant emissions is lower than in road ... -
Creating a Robust SoC Estimation Algorithm Based on LSTM Units and Trained with Synthetic Data
(MDPI, 2023)Creating SoC algorithms for Li-ion batteries based on neural networks requires a large amount of training data, since it is necessary to test the batteries under different conditions so that the algorithm learns the ... -
Data-based traffic profile generation tool for electric vehicle charging stations
(IEEE, 2023)This paper presents a tool to generate realistic traffic profiles in Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. The tool emulates non-deterministic traffic cases based on data from similar applications. This obtained data ... -
DC versus AC in residential buildings: efficiency comparison
(IEEE, 2013)DC energy solutions are gaining interest in recent years, due to improvements in power electronics. Some companies have developed solutions for the domestic implementation of DC power systems. This article analyzes the ... -
Demystifying Non-Isolated DC–DC Topologies on Partial Power Processing Architectures
(MDPI, 2022)This paper discusses the possibility of achieving partial power processing with non-isolated DC–DC topologies. To this end, partial power converter architectures are seen as an interesting solution for reducing the power ... -
Design and validation of a predictive energy management strategy for self-consumption in tertiary buildings
(IEEE, 2022)This work presents a predictive energy management strategy for self-consumption in tertiary buildings. The self-consumption is composed of a photovoltaic generation and a battery. The energy management strategy is composed ... -
Design of a novel modular energy conversion scheme for DC offshore wind farms
(IEEE, 2015)Offshore wind farms provide benefits over onshore farms in terms of the amount of generated energy and environmental impact. Cost efficient energy transmission is one of the challenges of those installations. In this context ... -
Dielectric Flow and Tab-Based Battery Thermal Management System For EV High Performance Application
(Elsevier, 2023)From the perspectives of security, durability, and proper operation, effective temperature control via thermal management systems (TMSs) on lithium-ion batteries is crucial for electric vehicle use. In this regard, a novel ... -
Dimensionamiento de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos con Almacenamiento Híbrido
(2019)Los sistemas fotovoltaicos aislados de la red eléctrica están generalmente compuestos por una agrupación de paneles fotovoltaicos, un elemento de almacenamiento como baterías, un convertidor DC-DC que actúa como cargador ...