Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Dynamic fracture initiation of high-strength metals 

      Perez Martin, M.J.; Agirre, Julen; Gálvez, F.; Erice, Borja (Sociedad Española de Integridad Estructural - Grupo Español de Fractura SEIE-GEF, 2023)
      Different modelling approaches have been analysed to investigate the dynamic fracture initiation toughness of two metallic alloys typically employed as plate armour in defence applications. These have been mechanically ...
    • Effect of the loading-rate and stress state on the constitutive modelling and fracture of 2205 Duplex stainless steel 

      Abedul Moreno, David; GALDOS, Lander; Sáenz de Argandoña, Eneko; Erice, Borja (Elsevier, 2024)
      Shear cutting is a high-speed forming process where material separation is involved. The nature of the process leads to high strain rates and temperatures on the sheared zone of the material subjected to the operation. In ...